It's an important year.

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So, I felt I should make this post a little early just to let everybody know about what is coming up.

Many of you, many of the british group here in PERPHeads will have went through this same year, year 11 and/or 4th year in highschool: the last year in high school; GCSE's, fml.

This is my last year in school, and I want to get into college, I want to get full A*-B's, excluding ART because ART sucks. In order to do this, I need to CUT DOWN on my time on my computer in general. Sure, i'll be on a couple of hours after school, but for the most part- I'll be revising for upcoming exams and mock exams.

Just thought i'd make this just to notify you all.
I am not leaving, just cutting down so do not expect to see my in-game all the time. Many who play with me quite often would have already noticed by activity declining, but yeah.

Thanks, wish me luck.
No worries we all have a life im currently applying for jobs I have bad GSCE's but I have a work around but still work tires me out so sometimes I do not join.
Good luck with your GCSE's mate, hope the cut down helps you in getting good grades :)
If you want my advice then do yourself a favour and actually revise; I didn't and I came out with shit grades. Don't listen to everyone saying "You don't need to revise" because it's obvious to me that you generally do care about doing well as you're informing us nearly a full 8 months before they start. So;
  • Don't listen to natural learners;
  • Revise from around 3 months before the exams, learn all the criteria in depth so that when a question comes you are able to answer it all technical and shit;
  • Stay calm, getting stressed to shit doesn't help at all;
Aside from that, best of luck mate, you'll be fine ;)