It's time..

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Well, it's that dreadful time. My GCSE's are fast approaching, so before I go i figured I'd show you all my exam timetable! Yay.


It's a tad hard to read so i'll bulletpoint each subject, what tier etc.

  • Physics - Higher
  • Biology - Higher
  • Chemistry - Higher
  • Maths - Higher
  • History - Specifically, Medicine through time and Nazi Germany
  • Creative iMedia (I.C.T) Failed the last exam so I gotta re-sit XD
  • English Language - Extended
  • English Literature - Foundation -.-
  • Geography - Foundation (Fucking hate Geography, wish I never picked it..)
  • R.E
So yea, that's it really, once the Easter Holidays are more or less over I will be leaving until the 12th Of June (My last exam). Hope you don't miss me too much, have fun! -Lewis
Well good luck buddy, If I were you in that position I would pack my bags and leave the country. You can live with me buddy, people saying that I may be Pedo they are just lying! No but for real xD Keep in touch bro :*
Good luck with all your exams, sadly I have to do mine next year so I'll now how you feel soon enough. Hope to see you back in June!