I'v done a big misstake

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So i'v got a serious problem that i can't help and i need help..

Age: 14

From: Sweden (native country)

Native language: Swedish (also speek: English,German)

Total spent on steam: 1063 euro

steam level: 19

Steam page: https://steamcommunity.com/id/16916518971

Dreams to achive: get a girlfriend, get fit,meet some friend,get a life , get a job in the military as a:
combat command SAFETY soldier

So now you are asking you're self then what is my problem?:

-I have no Fooking life mate and i need help from some nice people not some fooking shrink mate

So i spend more then 12h A DAY at my computer
quarantineing my sorounding with closed windows,locked doors... Only times i leave my computer is for school,toilet visits,food. But i really wanna spend some time with my family meanwhile they're still alive i mean... I don't know anymore i have so mutch i want but i don't getting it done :/. people is hating on me left and right and i might be a mess but i really try my best to keep stong and do my best at everyday but i don't even know how i ended up here beging for help when i know it's nothing i can do but i might as well just have fun a little while more then i will begging training,studdy and don't even tutch my computer but shit then i need to finish watching gery's anatomy fast... shit it isen't good howevery i turn it so please help me and give me tips how i can get my life back and that i can make me family pround because this isen't who i am.... I do not even know anymore so please!? And this is meaning i'v wasted 4-5 years of my life... for what? nothing acually so i might as well end up getting myself a life and stop waning here like a little bitch about this And take
advantage of this sad situation and make every month count.
You aren't wasting your life friend, at your age, if you're happy doing something just carry on; start thinking about your career around 17. As for your family, that's something they should be pushing onto you, it takes two to tango.
If you're that worried, join some sort of social club or maybe some occupational aimed one like Army, Sea, Air, Fire, Police cadets etc. That'll get you meeting a bunch of new people and opening opportunities for careers.
Hi Alexander, I've met you once IG. You are obv a guy with the heart on the right place. And if you want to "get your life back" Just search a hobby, sport or go to the gym. And if you want to lose your gaming addiction, Maybe consider selling your PC and buy another one but one with less performance where you can't game on and only be able to just browse the internet etc . And just like Standish and Rogue said, You shouldn't be thinking that much about your career at your age. I wish you the best of luck And if you want to contact me you know how ;)
I had a situation similar to this. You will find that once you get older, and once you have to do your important exams (I'm not sure what Sweedish version of GCSE/A-Levels are), then you'll end up focusing more on them. I think the reason you spend so much time on the PC is because your nothing else to do. At 14 this is fine, I used to be a hermit myself there's nothing wrong with it.

What I did was try and expand on my hobbies and interests. For example I like my politics and whilst I was a shy individual, I decided to get involved with it (going to meetings,stalls,rallies etc). You should look for hobbies or groups in your area. If you're interested in the military then perhaps join a local cadet force (again not sure if Sweden has them) or something related to it.

In other words. Don't worry, you will suddenly become very busy over night. That's what happend to me.
Mannen, du är 14, det är lugnt, du måste inte börja tänka på sånt här nu, om det du gör är kul för dig så gör det, men om du tycker att du måste ta tag i det, tryck på länken som @John Daymon länkade.