J&M / Parker gates

Should these gates be removed?

  • Yes, remove them

    Votes: 19 24.1%
  • No, keep them

    Votes: 60 75.9%

  • Total voters
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If Paralake City were to have another version released should the gates at J&M /Parker be removed? The booth would remain for those wishing to be security guards for the two plants, but the gates would be gone. Do not vote based on any kind of bias if you grow or do other illegal activity all the time and prefer them to remain for your own safety but rather think from a broad perspective. Would it be better off without them?
Realistically, the parker and glass co should be used as factories for production and manufacturing, you wouldn't let a random person into a corporation's grounds.

Also, if you own both Parker and Glass Co you technically own the entire area, including the gate, so doesn't it stand to reason that you would have a gate installed to stop randoms from driving their cars into the property and messing things up.

Try and get into a manufacturing plant irl, it's not easy, because there are security measures to stop you from getting in without permission, I think a button-controlled gate is the least you should have.
Here's the issue though, large companies and such that have that kind of infrastructure pay guards to be on duty at all times, whereas here you only need to have someone run out and open as necessary because the gates are indestructible so no one can ram their way through. Additionally, many people treat this gate line as beyond it gives them a right to shoot intruders which technically is not true. The person may have breached the premises but not the property. The gates just block all access in and out with far too much ease and people use this to their advantage far too frequently.
What I would like to remove is the fact that the houses are linked, what do I mean then? Well we should make it so both of these companies do not work with each other, also make a gate for parker itself.
I agree with daymon slightly, maybe make it so Parker and glass co have different gates, that may fix the

Additionally, many people treat this gate line as beyond it gives them a right to shoot intruders which technically is not true.

Issue you brought up @StephenPuffs
@John Daymon J&M is a glass company, Parker is a building materials company, it is not unusual for these companies to work together and have a quick passage between them. So it hardly makes sense to separate them. Also... Houses? There's the other problem, no one thinks of them actually being businesses but instead they're just another residence.

@Walker Even separated this behavior still violates laws and potentially rules. Not to mention the problem of, where could you put another entrance?
imo, I think the gates should be kept. I also think that the gates should be lockable, including the other gate near the booth. The gates should belong to both the building's owners, might start to form some interesting roleplay forming into some sort of dispute over the gates.
Well if the map is receiving an update. Can the old office be added back?

In my opinion, back in V1 the old office seem better than the new one. The entire office gets used rather than only the top floor being used. And 90% of the time it gets used, it's used for drug growing.
This leaves an entire floor unused 99% of the time.
Parker and J&M are both business/industrial sites. Most of these sites would have gates on the outside of them to signal members of the public that it is restricted access to those who are not apart of those businesses. I quite like having them there because it can act as an extra set of defense from any incoming police raids. I know the gates are quite dangerous to stand or park under but thats what happens when you don't acknowledge big yellow things that are about to squish you ;)
I think that u need to add an option to lock the door to the control room of the gate.
This voting poll is quite hard for me to answer. I think that there should be made a gate for each of the properties (parker and glass co), but don't change their connection from the inside.

This gives the opportunity for different organizations/groups to cooperate from each their business (parker and glass co), which can be great roleplay, and at the same time, it's very realisticly. Of course these businesses would cooperate.

If that's not possible, just keep it like it is then.
Don't remove it, I'll lose my job of "man of the gate" :(
Seriously, when someone is there, and asks who wants to enter, who's him etc. it's fantastic, it adds a different way to role play. Doing a work that isn't given from an NPC -like being owner of the restaurant (without growing inside of it, but actually using is as a restaurant)- is what we need to get closer to the POE, unfortunately there aren't many players who do this, but if we also remove the only chance to, we will never get to it. (Yes, i still dream about having a POE, that's my objective too)
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