Communication Banned
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @TinySlayer @Madda
How long were you banned for: Perma
Your Steam Name: Jammi
Your In-game Name: Jamal Ross
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53115398
Why were you banned/blacklisted: 1.1, 2.5, 3.4; Killed a player for no reason after raiding the players' apartment. Also killed another player by Fredy's Bakery for no reason. User also killed an officer inside the police department with a baseball for no reason. User also harmed another player with a baseball bat, even though he did what he was told to. User also killed an unarmed player for no reason while raidin
Why should this appeal be considered:
I'd firstly like to start this apology by saying sorry, my actions and recent attitude towards members of staff and community members have been nothing but unjustifiable, I have made memes on community members such as @Madda who was minding their own business, just purely for my own enjoyment as I was bored and thought it'd be funny to make the "Cage situation" into a bigger thing than it already was which lead to him being harassed by community members. I'd like to say I do not condone their actions and harassment that they caused to you, I was just being childish at the time and wanted to turn you into a meme for my own enjoyment which looking back on I can see how this negatively affected you. I would also like to apologize to @ScarlettSlayer who was also involved in this harassment that I had caused with a few memes and I hope we can look past my childish phase that I had at the time when I had no intention on being apart of this community anymore.
Secondly some of you are aware of my attitude towards you on the forums where I would treat you like, I'd like to just say that the shit I say to most of you isn't a serious manner, I am a very toxic person but I mean no harm in the things I say. However I can see why a lot of you take it to offence as there is times where I go over the line, just when like @wiki called me a liar and I said "The only thing lying is your dad in a coffin" I feel like I owe you an apology for this as this is a subject I shouldn't touch on regardless if you're my friend or not. I am going to be working on trying to reform myself and win most reformed next year.
Anyways let's talk about why I deserve to be unbanned after everything I did to community members and the rules I broke. So after taking a long break from the server you start to realize that may be your actions weren't worth the 1 hour of fun you have pissing about with friends. I had caused a lot of issues within this hour, such as multiple rdms where I would go up to people and shoot them just for a laugh as at the time me and @nade was trolling about having fun at our own costs without thinking about the negativity I could cause on the other player who would have to go through the effort of making an AR then a RR just because I wanted to shoot them without a good enough reason.
The person I owe a big apology to within this community for breaking rules @Environic. I'd like to start off by apologizing to you as out of all the people I broke rules against you had it the worst. I am sorry for making your returning experience on the server a not so pleasant one with constant trolling by myself and @nade where you was arresting us and I set my DPI to max and started running away as you can't drag someone as police officer when they're turning at such a high sens. I had also harassed you in-game making the server not very playable for you as everytime you'd log on you'd be our main target, tbh this was childish of me and shouldn't of done it as if I was in your shoes I would've not found it in anyways "funny" or "enjoyable".
I would like to now explain why I want to be unbanned and my intentions if I get unbanned, see I have played this server since 2016 however I have never really fully played the server, I have always wanted to get into the PD and grind it however I never bothered because I mained crim all the time which tbf after a while this gets boring and leads to my actions that caused me this ban. I will not be maining cop, I will manage both and try and cause some professional roleplay in both cop and crim, which yes is an empty promise at the moment however if I get unbanned i'll be able to prove to you there is just more to me than shooting people in apartments and on the streets.
Another thing I plan on doing if I get unbanned is may be make my own org where I will help newer players come up and make their experience more enjoyable as they will have a player who is very experienced with the crim side show them around the server, teach them a thing a two, get them involved with more community members which can lead to greater things in their time on perp. Even though I'm currently not sure on a name for the org I will try and make it professional, by having serious ranks, taking a lot of the RP experiences we get into seriously. I will also try and eventually turn the org into a crafting org where we will distribute guns to different orgs in the city and have meetings with other org owners. if the sweater org doesn't go to as I plan I will make a security org where people can pay us for protection from raiders, however for sweaters we will most likely just take them under our wing.
Explaining my ban reasons, "Killed a player for no reason after raiding the players' apartment." As stated in the other appeal and this one, I was at this phase where I didn't care about perp and just wanted to have fun at my own costs, I never really thought about how negatively I could affect a player by a simple thing such as shooting them for no reason whilst raiding, I understand my actions aren't justifiable and I hold my hands up to this for I have now learned my lesson when it comes to having one way fun.
"Also killed another player by Fredy's Bakery for no reason." Well here we had been targeting this player who was being annoying in OOC where he was provoking us, @code monkey had rammed into his car and got us all killed where we lost our guns, at this time I was annoyed so when I next saw him I just shot him down without thinking about the consequences. I am not sure of this players OOC name so if someone could may be send me it so I can apologize personally for the targeting I have caused and any inconvenience that the player had to go through with me just because I was being childish.
"User also killed an officer inside the police department with a baseball for no reason." Here I made a big mistake, instead of leaving the scene after killing all the cops I stayed around to kill a officer who had just went on duty. I did this because it only made more sense to me at the time to kill all officers than leave, which is stupid, I should've preserved my life instead of running into PD and batting the officer down just as he got onto duty, I apologize for this as it wasn't fair that you died when I should've been playing by the rules and leaving the area.
"User also harmed another player with a baseball bat, even though he did what he was told to. User also killed an unarmed player for no reason while raiding the player." I yet again apologize to @Envionic as I had just walked into your apartment and started hitting you over the head with a bat. At this time I was playing with a track pad so every time I would turn i sometimes would hit you over the head, I should've also given you a longer time to not talk instead of instantly killing you after me telling you to "shut up" I can understand how my actions negatively affected you and your friend, and I hope we can look past this.
" User also tried to kill an officer with his fists well knowing that his chances would be very slight." Yet again @Envionic I was being a massive cunt towards you and ruining your roleplay experience by firstly turning my DPI and sens up so you couldn't drag me and carry out the roleplay situation which was very wrong of me to do as you're playing the server for your own enjoyment and shouldn't have people like me ruining it for you. Touching on the ban reason I can see where I was in the wrong by punching an armed officer to try and get help my friend @nade get out of there, from my side I thought the first thing you'd pull is a taser due to policy tbh so I thought i'd have a few seconds in advance to kill you and get nade outta there. However my actions aren't really justifiable as I knew the consequences that came with the action and all I can do i say sorry.
"User called another person in OOC a faggot." @BigNonce I apologize for calling you a faggot, it wasn't really needed and I can understand why you might of took offence to this. At the current time I was a very toxic person who loved nothing other than to piss people off and laugh at it for my own expense, I had been a massive cunt to you before this ban was placed aswell so I owe you an apology for that aswell.
Another thing you may of may not of known, I had been banned for doxxing @finlay russels public website that I had found, it had contained personal information such as phone numbers. I do not condone doxxing at all, and I see why this has been placed on my ban even though it was a public site found on google by typing your perp name in. This site contained your personal information where community members had took advantage of this and texted you things perp related in order to annoy you. I apologize for any inconvenience that me sharing your website round had caused.
Now that i've stated my ban reasons and gone over them a bit more, i'd like to add that if this doesn't explain fully the side of the story there is another post you may look at that might help you https://perpheads.com/threads/jamals-ban-appeal.39635/
I think the biggest apology I owe is to the community as ever since I have been playing, I have done nothing but ruin everyones fun that has tried to go against me on the server, yes I understand that sometimes I can go over the top however it's not until you've taken yourself out of the situation and looked back on it that you realize that may be the things you do and say to people wasn't needed at all and can cause some issues within the community, I fully deserved to have this ban placed on me, this has allowed me to take time and reflect on the things i've done to certain people and how I may of upset a lot of community members in the process of me rising up to this toxicity level.
I would also like to apologize to the staff team that had to put up with my shit continuously day in and day out just because I wanted to be petty in certain situations and waste your time dealing with me when you can be enjoying the server for yourself and not wasting it on me by handling ARs or F6s that could be avoided by me just easily following the rules.
@TinySlayer You said all the money I gave to code looked a bit dodgy when infact it was for guns as @codemonkey will happily confirm, however even though I wanted it all crafted into guns, @codemonkey rarely plays and has 0 interest in spending time crafting me 600 rifles and so on, so we have agreed to give me the money that is owed back.
Additional Comment(s): Thanks for reading
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @TinySlayer @Madda
How long were you banned for: Perma
Your Steam Name: Jammi
Your In-game Name: Jamal Ross
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53115398
Why were you banned/blacklisted: 1.1, 2.5, 3.4; Killed a player for no reason after raiding the players' apartment. Also killed another player by Fredy's Bakery for no reason. User also killed an officer inside the police department with a baseball for no reason. User also harmed another player with a baseball bat, even though he did what he was told to. User also killed an unarmed player for no reason while raidin
Why should this appeal be considered:
I'd firstly like to start this apology by saying sorry, my actions and recent attitude towards members of staff and community members have been nothing but unjustifiable, I have made memes on community members such as @Madda who was minding their own business, just purely for my own enjoyment as I was bored and thought it'd be funny to make the "Cage situation" into a bigger thing than it already was which lead to him being harassed by community members. I'd like to say I do not condone their actions and harassment that they caused to you, I was just being childish at the time and wanted to turn you into a meme for my own enjoyment which looking back on I can see how this negatively affected you. I would also like to apologize to @ScarlettSlayer who was also involved in this harassment that I had caused with a few memes and I hope we can look past my childish phase that I had at the time when I had no intention on being apart of this community anymore.
Secondly some of you are aware of my attitude towards you on the forums where I would treat you like, I'd like to just say that the shit I say to most of you isn't a serious manner, I am a very toxic person but I mean no harm in the things I say. However I can see why a lot of you take it to offence as there is times where I go over the line, just when like @wiki called me a liar and I said "The only thing lying is your dad in a coffin" I feel like I owe you an apology for this as this is a subject I shouldn't touch on regardless if you're my friend or not. I am going to be working on trying to reform myself and win most reformed next year.
Anyways let's talk about why I deserve to be unbanned after everything I did to community members and the rules I broke. So after taking a long break from the server you start to realize that may be your actions weren't worth the 1 hour of fun you have pissing about with friends. I had caused a lot of issues within this hour, such as multiple rdms where I would go up to people and shoot them just for a laugh as at the time me and @nade was trolling about having fun at our own costs without thinking about the negativity I could cause on the other player who would have to go through the effort of making an AR then a RR just because I wanted to shoot them without a good enough reason.
The person I owe a big apology to within this community for breaking rules @Environic. I'd like to start off by apologizing to you as out of all the people I broke rules against you had it the worst. I am sorry for making your returning experience on the server a not so pleasant one with constant trolling by myself and @nade where you was arresting us and I set my DPI to max and started running away as you can't drag someone as police officer when they're turning at such a high sens. I had also harassed you in-game making the server not very playable for you as everytime you'd log on you'd be our main target, tbh this was childish of me and shouldn't of done it as if I was in your shoes I would've not found it in anyways "funny" or "enjoyable".
I would like to now explain why I want to be unbanned and my intentions if I get unbanned, see I have played this server since 2016 however I have never really fully played the server, I have always wanted to get into the PD and grind it however I never bothered because I mained crim all the time which tbf after a while this gets boring and leads to my actions that caused me this ban. I will not be maining cop, I will manage both and try and cause some professional roleplay in both cop and crim, which yes is an empty promise at the moment however if I get unbanned i'll be able to prove to you there is just more to me than shooting people in apartments and on the streets.
Another thing I plan on doing if I get unbanned is may be make my own org where I will help newer players come up and make their experience more enjoyable as they will have a player who is very experienced with the crim side show them around the server, teach them a thing a two, get them involved with more community members which can lead to greater things in their time on perp. Even though I'm currently not sure on a name for the org I will try and make it professional, by having serious ranks, taking a lot of the RP experiences we get into seriously. I will also try and eventually turn the org into a crafting org where we will distribute guns to different orgs in the city and have meetings with other org owners. if the sweater org doesn't go to as I plan I will make a security org where people can pay us for protection from raiders, however for sweaters we will most likely just take them under our wing.
Explaining my ban reasons, "Killed a player for no reason after raiding the players' apartment." As stated in the other appeal and this one, I was at this phase where I didn't care about perp and just wanted to have fun at my own costs, I never really thought about how negatively I could affect a player by a simple thing such as shooting them for no reason whilst raiding, I understand my actions aren't justifiable and I hold my hands up to this for I have now learned my lesson when it comes to having one way fun.
"Also killed another player by Fredy's Bakery for no reason." Well here we had been targeting this player who was being annoying in OOC where he was provoking us, @code monkey had rammed into his car and got us all killed where we lost our guns, at this time I was annoyed so when I next saw him I just shot him down without thinking about the consequences. I am not sure of this players OOC name so if someone could may be send me it so I can apologize personally for the targeting I have caused and any inconvenience that the player had to go through with me just because I was being childish.
"User also killed an officer inside the police department with a baseball for no reason." Here I made a big mistake, instead of leaving the scene after killing all the cops I stayed around to kill a officer who had just went on duty. I did this because it only made more sense to me at the time to kill all officers than leave, which is stupid, I should've preserved my life instead of running into PD and batting the officer down just as he got onto duty, I apologize for this as it wasn't fair that you died when I should've been playing by the rules and leaving the area.
"User also harmed another player with a baseball bat, even though he did what he was told to. User also killed an unarmed player for no reason while raiding the player." I yet again apologize to @Envionic as I had just walked into your apartment and started hitting you over the head with a bat. At this time I was playing with a track pad so every time I would turn i sometimes would hit you over the head, I should've also given you a longer time to not talk instead of instantly killing you after me telling you to "shut up" I can understand how my actions negatively affected you and your friend, and I hope we can look past this.
" User also tried to kill an officer with his fists well knowing that his chances would be very slight." Yet again @Envionic I was being a massive cunt towards you and ruining your roleplay experience by firstly turning my DPI and sens up so you couldn't drag me and carry out the roleplay situation which was very wrong of me to do as you're playing the server for your own enjoyment and shouldn't have people like me ruining it for you. Touching on the ban reason I can see where I was in the wrong by punching an armed officer to try and get help my friend @nade get out of there, from my side I thought the first thing you'd pull is a taser due to policy tbh so I thought i'd have a few seconds in advance to kill you and get nade outta there. However my actions aren't really justifiable as I knew the consequences that came with the action and all I can do i say sorry.
"User called another person in OOC a faggot." @BigNonce I apologize for calling you a faggot, it wasn't really needed and I can understand why you might of took offence to this. At the current time I was a very toxic person who loved nothing other than to piss people off and laugh at it for my own expense, I had been a massive cunt to you before this ban was placed aswell so I owe you an apology for that aswell.
Another thing you may of may not of known, I had been banned for doxxing @finlay russels public website that I had found, it had contained personal information such as phone numbers. I do not condone doxxing at all, and I see why this has been placed on my ban even though it was a public site found on google by typing your perp name in. This site contained your personal information where community members had took advantage of this and texted you things perp related in order to annoy you. I apologize for any inconvenience that me sharing your website round had caused.
Now that i've stated my ban reasons and gone over them a bit more, i'd like to add that if this doesn't explain fully the side of the story there is another post you may look at that might help you https://perpheads.com/threads/jamals-ban-appeal.39635/
I think the biggest apology I owe is to the community as ever since I have been playing, I have done nothing but ruin everyones fun that has tried to go against me on the server, yes I understand that sometimes I can go over the top however it's not until you've taken yourself out of the situation and looked back on it that you realize that may be the things you do and say to people wasn't needed at all and can cause some issues within the community, I fully deserved to have this ban placed on me, this has allowed me to take time and reflect on the things i've done to certain people and how I may of upset a lot of community members in the process of me rising up to this toxicity level.
I would also like to apologize to the staff team that had to put up with my shit continuously day in and day out just because I wanted to be petty in certain situations and waste your time dealing with me when you can be enjoying the server for yourself and not wasting it on me by handling ARs or F6s that could be avoided by me just easily following the rules.
@TinySlayer You said all the money I gave to code looked a bit dodgy when infact it was for guns as @codemonkey will happily confirm, however even though I wanted it all crafted into guns, @codemonkey rarely plays and has 0 interest in spending time crafting me 600 rifles and so on, so we have agreed to give me the money that is owed back.
Additional Comment(s): Thanks for reading