Jamals Ban Appeal

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology @Collier @Madda
Which staff member banned you: @nutrient10
How long were you banned for: 6 months (unbanned on the 31st of Dec)

Your Steam Name
: J2K
Your In-game Name: Can't remember. Probably some African Daewon name
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53115398

Why were you banned/blacklisted: @nutrient10
Why should this appeal be considered: Well what can I say other than sorry and how unneeded that situation was. I was having a shit night, which I don't want to really share on a gaming community. However I think my friends told you what happend idk @nutrient10. It was a very fucked night for me when I "attempt mass rdmed" where I shot nutrient10 and called him homophobic names such as "f*ggot". Killing him everytime in the sit as he respawned himself and calling him a f*ggot just before shooting him over and over, this was not needed by me and I shouldn't of taken what anger I had out on you. I just wasn't thinking very straight at the time and felt like I was just being targeted over stupid shit to get me gone so I did what I did which I regret now, and it couldn't been dealt with a lot more professionally by me considering i'm not new to the server and I know the rules.

It first started off as me coming on perp to chill out, which where we was driving around with music on through a soundboard, going around killing people we had beef with. To which then we go to the storage NPC, then I attempt stealing the @nutrient10 la ferrai infront of him and the NPC, to which then he brings me to a sit and tells me it's not allowed. Ofc me being annoyed I was very stubborn and didn't want to listen to what he had to say where we start arguing, when staffs word is final and I should've just left it as it was. However something just told me I was being targeted by staff as I felt like the things I were doing was minor and I was about to be banned for mic spamming in my own car which I got told before it was allowed aslong as if I did a /me plugs aux into phone and only did it in the car. This led to me getting annoyed, and with him saying he's going to ban me it annoyed me a lot as I was already in a shit mood and a bit drunk. So I made the mistake of breaking a bigger rule and shooting nutrient10 in the sit, then when revived himself I kept calling him homophobic names and shooting him again and doing this 4 times to stop him from picking me up, to which then I started shooting into another sit because at that point I was done with the server. These actions were just a shitty mistake that happened on a bad night which I came to regret the next day. After the situation @Blackdown cooled me down and we spoke about it for a bit to which then I apologized to @nutrient10 on ts saying i'm sorry after I cooled down.

I feel like it should be considered because i've waited out a good length of my ban after regretting it almost instantly. I've always been a person who thought mass rdming is stupid and not worth it. Everyone does it, and it's just stupid because we all appeal in the end and it's all for a few seconds of fame. Even though mine wasn't for any fame it was just out of pure anger but i've learned that if i'm not in a good mood I should probably just avoid perp and do something else to occupy myself. I can't explain how sorry I am for the actions I did considering how stupid and petty I was being towards @nutrient10 in the sit, when he was trying to act professional towards me and I was just being disrespectful and angry all the way through the sit. All I can do is say how sorry and changed I am. I wish I could prove it to you however i'm not able to without a chance. I promise never to make homophobic OOC comments like that again towards anyone as in this time i've had banned from the server i've matured a lot.

I'd like to be unbanned so I can come back and play with friends again, the time i;ve been banned from perp has been okay but I miss occasionally coming on and messing about with friends. I've used my time away from the server to really look back hard at the person I am and it wasn't who I want to be! I am a reformed individual now where I can keep my cool in these situations.

If I get unbanned i'll go back to starting to help newer players like I was doing before I got banned, where I'll probably make an org and give a few sweaters shelter as they make a name for themselves to which then i'll let them go and allow them to make their own way but a lot of players just need a push in the server, and i'm more than capable than giving these players the push they need. So I hope @nutrient10 we can look past our differences and I apologize to you for my immature behavior. I hope you can trust my word that I won't do anything like this again considering how stupid and pointless I think mass rdming is.

Before I wrap up this apology. I feel like I owe @nutrient10 and @LilChicken (and anyone affected by my toxic behavior on the forums and IG) an apology because I was really out here probably making your guys perp experiences hell with my IG toxicity where i'd constantly talk shit and be homophobic because I knew it was the easiest way to get to anyone who's sexuality is different to mine and it was very immature. I hope we can all look past this and move on so I can prove to the community that i'm more than just a criminal main who goes round raiding all day and just being toxic.

Additional Comment(s): N/A
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Your ban appeal will be dealt with in the next admin meeting by the administration team as it is 6 months or more. Please don't bump threads in the future, thank you.
The fact that you managed to turn a warning or a short ban into a 6-month ban is astonishing, it also appears you haven't really learnt your lesson from your continued use of the slur you like to throw about without care, would it be appropriate for me to apologise for being racist by continuing to use the n-word in my apology? I don't think so and personally, I don't think you've taken this appeal seriously what so ever and if you were to get unbanned you would continue to be one of the toxic individuals that makes this server unbearable and unfriendly for not only new players but a lot of existing players.

I appreciate the apology, if you're sincere, but I really feel you need to learn the meaning behind the words you throw around and not use them in an apology.

Thread has been locked until Senior Administration have dealt with it. You clearly are unable to remain civil in this post. You know who you are.
@Jamal If you wish to reply to @LilChicken's post, then contact me over here/steam and I can unlock it for you.​
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This thread has been UN-LOCKED to allow @Jamal to reply, If anyone starts beef again, I'll lock it again.​
The fact that you managed to turn a warning or a short ban into a 6-month ban is astonishing, it also appears you haven't really learnt your lesson from your continued use of the slur you like to throw about without care, would it be appropriate for me to apologise for being racist by continuing to use the n-word in my apology? I don't think so and personally, I don't think you've taken this appeal seriously what so ever and if you were to get unbanned you would continue to be one of the toxic individuals that makes this server unbearable and unfriendly for not only new players but a lot of existing players.

I appreciate the apology, if you're sincere, but I really feel you need to learn the meaning behind the words you throw around and not use them in an apology.
Hello @LilChicken i don’t see how you don’t think this is sincere. I feel like the people of the community deserve to know exactly what I said so I can be shamed for my actions. I am exposing my own disgusting actions so people know how badly I acted and so I can be properly judged on the situation. I don’t see why I’m being labelled as “toxic” when you have more than 1.1s on your record than I do. Yes I’ve had my toxicity phase and I expressed my opinions too much on the forums but why should now be seen as someone who brings down the player count?

saying I drive new players away is insane considering I spent a large majority of my time setting up sweaters and helping them out. I once gave a new player who was upset and ready to leave 50+ rifles. @Synatec csn vouch for this. I just personally don’t think it’s fair for me be labelled as toxic considering my record in-game is almost clean of 1.1 bans or warnings. Agreed I’ve said some messed up shit but there isn’t much I can do other than apologise. I’m sorry you don’t think my appeal is sincere but it is otherwise i wouldn’t of spent time on it or even wrote it.

May be I can agree a bit on killing the server but that usually happens when I start org wars, no one has ever stopped playing because I’m “toxic” it’s usually because I raid them. Hope you can now understand why I’m using the word in my appeal, it means 0 disrespect and is not being used in a malicious way.
Hello @LilChicken i don’t see how you don’t think this is sincere. I feel like the people of the community deserve to know exactly what I said so I can be shamed for my actions. I am exposing my own disgusting actions so people know how badly I acted and so I can be properly judged on the situation. I don’t see why I’m being labelled as “toxic” when you have more than 1.1s on your record than I do. Yes I’ve had my toxicity phase and I expressed my opinions too much on the forums but why should now be seen as someone who brings down the player count?

saying I drive new players away is insane considering I spent a large majority of my time setting up sweaters and helping them out. I once gave a new player who was upset and ready to leave 50+ rifles. @Synatec csn vouch for this. I just personally don’t think it’s fair for me be labelled as toxic considering my record in-game is almost clean of 1.1 bans or warnings. Agreed I’ve said some messed up shit but there isn’t much I can do other than apologise. I’m sorry you don’t think my appeal is sincere but it is otherwise i wouldn’t of spent time on it or even wrote it.

May be I can agree a bit on killing the server but that usually happens when I start org wars, no one has ever stopped playing because I’m “toxic” it’s usually because I raid them. Hope you can now understand why I’m using the word in my appeal, it means 0 disrespect and is not being used in a malicious way.
and then he logged on with cheats a week later
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