Server Suggestion Jennifer’s jewellery heist: Implementation ideas.

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Suggestion Title: Jennifer’s jewellery heist: Implementation ideas.
Suggestion Description: This was a long accepted idea however we weren’t given any insight on how it should be implemented. I feel as though it should be implemented as such:

Changes to the map / how the jewellery store works:
- Change the glass display cases from breaking upon a footstep on them to breaking after a certain amount of force is applied via a hit point system.
- These display cases will only be breakable by players partaking in a robbery.
- Remove the 2D fake jewellery under the display cases and replace it with a velvet texture.

Step 1: Getting the job:
The heist should be obtained via the Drug Dealer NPC with the following restrictions:
- a maximum of 6 people may partake in the robbery.
- There hasn’t been a robbery attempt at one of the two stores in the past 20 minutes. 2 heists may happen simultaneously at both locations.
Upon joining the heist with the code the same way the bank robbery text system works, you will be given a location on which store you’re hitting.

Step 2: Committing the heist:
In order to begin the heist upon getting the job, Players must arrive at the location, and threaten the NPC With a gun. Upon doing so, you will have 2 minutes before an alarm is activated.

Upon the alarm going off, all involved players will be warranted. All players must be inside or outside the building when the NPC Is threatened,

The players have 2 minutes to break the display cases and steal their contents. One case will be alarmed, and will contain the most expensive loot. The alarmed case should be marked as such.

Actions that will set off the alarm early include:
- Upon the alarmed case breaking
- Upon one of the robbers killing an officer
- After two minutes.
- If the robbers leave the surrounding area for 10 seconds.

Robbers could decide to go quick and loud and spray all the cases with automatic weapons or go as quiet as possible, breaking the cases by chipping away at the cases health with fists or a melee weapon.

RNG will determine the loot, but the more officers in the PD there are should also effect the price of the loot that spawns in the cases.

Within normal Cases, there should be a rare chance for medium tier loot to spawn and a rare chance of high tier loot to spawn. Within the alarmed display case, however, there should be at least one guaranteed high tier loot Item, with 2 spawns either granting medium or high price loot.

Step 3: The getaway, the items and the payout:
2 minutes after the alarm is tripped, you’ll get a dropoff location for the stolen goods. These should be dropped off in 20 minutes before the robbery fails. 5 minutes later, the reward will be split between each robber and the secret heist coordinator you sent the money to. The money will be divided between each robber with a 20% cut. For example, if you stole $45000 of jewellery, with 4 surviving members, each player should be getting $9000.

RNG should determine which items spawn upon the robbery beginning. Items that should be stealable, with the following values include:

- Boxed bracelet $800
- Boxed ring: $800
- Boxed necklace: $800
- Earrings: $800
Medium value:
- Case of rings: $3000
- Watch display case: $2500
- Bracelet display: $3000
- Necklace display: $3000

High value:
- Diamond ring: $8000
- Expensive necklace: $8000
- Diamond jewellery display: $10000
- Grande Jewell (Large diamond model recoloured to a random colour) $25000.

The payout should be determined on the following factors:
- If the players all left the area before the alarm went off.
- Did the players kill any officers prior to fleeing? If not, then less is deducted from the payout.
- How much was stolen determines the base payout rate, as does the value of the stolen goods.
- The number of officers online at the time of the alarm being triggered.
- The number of participating robbers.
- The casualty rate of participating robbers.

The gameplay style:

Unlike bank robbery where the system rewards you on PVP skill, the jewellery store robbery, whilst it can be a shootout, should have the option for robbers to do the robbery portion without having to shoot cops. Not only would it be possible, it would be encouraged.

Players should be allowed to attempt one of these robberies every 30 minutes.

Rules wise, hostage taking could be allowed here imo.

Why should this be added?:
- Another gameplay mechanic, the most requested one even!
- Would give criminals more to do.
- Incentivising different playstyles over general PVP combat without entirely eliminating that avenue of committing a robbery.
- Mini bank robberies for lesser experienced players not yet read to engage the whole PD in a shootout.

What negatives could this have?:
- Clothes shop becoming a warzone?
- Technically another reason to shoot cops.
I was gonna suggest this but I’ve seen you suggest it a few times I think they should add this in v6
Would be nice with this in v6, but raids and bank robberies in the first place clears half of the pd for some reason.
This might also just kill all of the pd in no time and also making people not being able to enter the clothing shop, but doesnt really matter as bank raid takes up the whole city preventing others to enter there as well, killing the whole of pd isnt a reason though for it not to be added.
I see the use in this but at the same time i think it may be a bit too much not quite sure as it begins to take like a fivem turn if you know my meaning.
You're really trying to make perpheads like gta ahah, giving it a 1+ anyways.

A new heighst has been proposed a lot over V6's development, even as late as a few months ago. But in the interest of finishing all the currently in development features and getting the map released, it's something we've had to leave in the early planning stage. It's still something we'd be interested in doing some day, but not for this iteration of the map.

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