Server Suggestion Job Milestones

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Suggestion Title: Job Milestones
Suggestion Description: Add milestones for jobs that mark certain achievements for your time spent playing jobs. These would be simple and award you with money, XP or even exclusive cosmetic awards. These could be tracked on the Missions App or on a seperate F1 Tab.

There should be multiple levels of milestones e.g. Body Removal I, Body Removal II and so forth if so desired. Each milestone yields small rewards to "grind" for.

Milestones would reward you a decent amount of money, possibly XP and for the last milestone a job exclusive reward like a cosmetic (maybe like a new vehicle skin that still follows current design) or clothing/shirt decal when out of service to flex your 9 to 5 grind.

Milestones should not be a thing for the Police Department to not encourage petty sentencing to achieve their milestones (imagine a milestone for headshotting 100 people or giving 100 traffic tickets as RTU).

-Body Removal: Remove X amount of bodies as a Paramedic.

-Firefighting: Put out X amount of fires as a Firefighter.

-Prime: Deliver X amount of packages as a Courier.

You get the gist. You could include some more side activities that are still easy to accomplish instead of focusing on a job's primary activity if present like DNA scanning, reviving, CPR, washing cars (Firefighter), etc.

Why should this be added?:
-Something to "grind" for.
-Small but still noticable rewards for doing your jobs.
-Tracking job progress even better instead of just having a XP bar.

What negatives could this have?:
-More competition amongst jobs instead of having it be a "casual work space".
-More filled up jobs.
-Extra cosmetics look "unrealistic" or aren't really worth working towards.
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Amazing suggestion, can see this bringing more fun to the people who grind gov jobs.
I suggested this some time ago in the form of a stat log for Police Officers, for example, number of arrests, kills, vehicular kills, taser connects and such, hope this one gets some traction, because it's a great idea!
Risky, could cause a lot of medics or FFs to be "too little, too late"

Overall, +1 - I'm sure CMs can find a simple and creative way to introduce something like this!
I don't understand the risk of giving us the ability to track CPR so you have to elaborate for my monkey brain.
I do it all the time as Firefighter, even while the Medic is reviving them as I give them enough space because if I'd stop then most of them would die and new Medics take multiple attempts to revive somebody. Sometimes I steal their money and XP by reviving the person though lmao
Massive +Support for this, I would like to add something like doing an X task for 2x XP for example, extinguish a person on fire before they die or something like that would put an adrenaline rush in the firefighter job rather than just arriving spraying water and leaving, medic side of this is for example get 2X XP for the next 10 minutes for reviving someone on the Almost no pulse left stage or the courier for delivering a package 1minute(changes with distance) after it is made for uncle cos or something far. think adding things like this would give other jobs what makes civ and police fun the adrenaline rush that comes with this roles,
Amazing idea, I think it could make some of the jobs that aren't as action packed more exciting!

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