Server Suggestion Job NPC should spawn your personal car after going off-duty

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Suggestion Title: Job NPC should spawn your personal car after going off-duty
Suggestion Description: Pretty self-explanatory. You get all of your other personal items returned to you after quitting a job, and I think that this should apply to a previously spawned car. After leaving a job, you have a one-time option to spawn in the car that you had prior to joining the job by speaking to the job NPC where you quit your job. It could then spawn it into an allocated nearby empty parking slots.

It would honestly be a nice QOL change, instead of having to run to a nearby spawn-point for your car (aka only two spots on map).

Why should this be added?:
- Save player-time by not having to travel again to city-garage or car dealer
- Add more realism considering cars don't just de-spawn in real life

What negatives could this have?:
- Might be hard to code?
- People might take up parking slots with this?
inb4 everyone go on and off duty to spawn a car to do their free spins lmao, and yes I'm one of them.
inb4 everyone go on and off duty to spawn a car to do their free spins lmao, and yes I'm one of them.
Ahaha, that's exactly why I stated a 'previously spawned' to avoid people being obnoxious - not sure if that would be possible, but I'm sure the devs can do that
inb4 everyone go on and off duty to spawn a car to do their free spins lmao, and yes I'm one of them.
Should only spawn the last vehicle you had out, Upon connecting to the server, you have none, therefor you would not be able to spawn a vehicle as you had none out prior to this.
Should only spawn the last vehicle you had out, Upon connecting to the server, you have none, therefor you would not be able to spawn a vehicle as you had none out prior to this.
Yeah exactly. I go on duty as fire when theres no one on and then i have to sprint across the map to get my car back. but if i join the server soley for fire it isnt an issue as i'm not doing anything.
inb4 everyone go on and off duty to spawn a car to do their free spins lmao, and yes I'm one of them.
responding code 3 in porsche to do free spins

Also to counteract on this, it would be a better idea to only allow the vehicle you had out to be spawned prior to going on the job. Also I believe that if you're dead and you use /resign, it shouldn't spawn your vehicle and should only be spawned by resigning via the NPC.

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