Jon Godinn is dead

Reaction score

Hello you lovely people!

I'm going to try to have this short, for the ones that don't know me I've been a staff member here for like almost 4 years now, and I know I've been pretty inactive lately, but trying my best :) I first joined in
Evo City where i met amazing people and at that moment I wanted to help this community and help it to grow. Main reason why I'm so inactive is due to me swimming 24/7 and never being at home, always
competeing or traveling or just practicing - and on winter I have school on top of all that so I have to study a lot. I'm trying my best to make a time for perp because I just love being here and I've
met so many great people here. Now I finally have a little vacation so I should be able to play perp again : D. But that won't last that long as I soon have to start swimming again as I have
some big meets coming up and I'm trying my best to get better sponsors and going to upcoming championships and so on.

My time here on Perpheads has been amazing and I just want to thank everyone and of course the staff team - current and ex, for making Perpheads awesome! Perpheads has changed alot since it first started (as you could see on the legacy server).
Over all the changes have been positive and now we have some new great staff members on board. I just wanted to thank everyone for having fun together! Sometimes we forget
that this is just a game and it's supposed to be fun - there are times were people tend to take everything too seriously, or do sometihng that could have been fun and just do it with the wrong manner which leads then to anger and people stop having fun and start arguing which causes a little PH Beef
which can be a little fun to watch tho.

Anyways, sorry not sorry for being so weird and acting "retarded" but I've enjoyed my time here thanks to you guys! Now this is looking like a goodbye post or something hehe.


I think it is time for me to start something else and make room for better and more active staff members, I really don't have the time anymore that I need to remain as a staff member in my opinion so I'm now resigning from my posistion as a Head Moderator, also this is the deletion of the rank.

Now it's time for a change and I want new people to join the staff team and take part to help the community, and I think it's not the right place for me anymore. - Thank you all for having me its been a lot of fun!
I'm not going to put many names here as that would take for ever but I have to say Thank you to the whole staff team you are all doing a great job and I really reaaaally like you all!
- Here are a FEW members that I want to thank / that I remember now;

Fredy, Stepehn, Bolli, Tanges, XQ, Daymon, Standish, Kitty, Pear , Carrot, Evil, Cole, Danny, Rogue, Blicky, Smudger, Chris, Fedorable, Momo, Super, Mattis, Rogue, DannyD, Arron, Mallard, Madda and all old players and EX - staff members. I'm pretty sure I don't have to name any names as you all know who you are who I want to thank.

i love this community


I'll be back if perpheads needs Jon back - until then Jon Godinn is dead.


Master Jedi tower

report court

Totally innocent


A good head admin

Fav map

daymon is aswesome, and this post was created about 2 years ago so might be outdated.
the times i've deleted this post before :^)

anywho, you're my best pal on perp dunno why we clicked so well but oh well.

here are some memories we share

* the big hamburger over the PD (skybox burger)
* the chairs that you spread around evocity
* resignation (x6 now)
* demotion of me (twice now)
* us going against the PD for Corporal for a full year
* demoting staff members ( jon technique, was the best way to get rid of staff members we didn't like )
* top secret bunker stuff that shouldn't be told to anyone
* having our demote list alongside with the jon technique
* im still head mod so yeah
So, does that mean I'm still Senior Mod? Or...?

Honestly though Jon, it's been an absolute pleasure to work alongside you in the staff team and in the PD and I'm defo gonna miss those times. I hope we stay in touch as you've made my time as a staff member much more enjoyable - especially with inviting me to the Head Mod team lmao.

p.s: loving your Jonorary rank xoxoxoxo
Jon ill mis you so much, you were a great mentor and a great staff member, cya on snapchat babe xoxox ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I miss our phone calls and discussions on Joners

jon godinn is now promoted to Admin in our newly made staff team
You have been a staff member well before I even I started playing and for the most part I know you were inactive and I havn’t spoken to you a lot I have a lot of respect for you. There was once a situation that happened a couple of years ago and I was younger, I got really upset over something that happened but you really made me feel much better and you were so friendly you probably won’t remember but I won’t forget it, thank you for everything you have done <3
Jon has probably been the friendliest person in this community and it's all because he is Icelandic.

Jon, you were a credit to work with since 2014 and are a good friend, good luck in life and make your nation of Bollis proud.
Thank you guys so much, I love hearing that I did make some difference in the community - I tried to welcome and be friendly to people. @Sam : Thank you so much :)