Just a few questions?

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United Kingdom
I was looking at some of the bans, and i Don't quite understand why some people have been banned, for example, gun pointing an officer after a chase, that could happen at anytime in real life, or getting punched in the street?, and what do you mean by disconnecting in rp situation. However the one ban i really didn't understand, was having a shared family steam account, whats wrong with that. And finally, someone got banned because they messaged someone on steam they are getting raided, now how come the admins have our steam messages, because i am pretty sure that is against our privacy, or we should have least been informed if they do have access to our steam messages.

Many thanks
You cannot kill / gunpoint an officer for a ticket or less than 3 years of jail nor can your friends | (3.4)
Steam messages informing someone about an IC situation is not allowed | (3.24)
Also, you cannot disconnect from the server under Gunpoint / Hostaged / IC situation / Admin situation | (6.5)
And, last one is when someone gets banned cause of the "Family Shared Account" well, many people try to get alt accounts and join the server, and make 2x money. This is not allowed.
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