Just Cause 3/Fifa 16?

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Not Sweden
Well when these games come out I am really going to struggle to know which to buy. I am a football fan but I like Just cause. I will end up buying both probably but I want to know what one I should get first. It's basic Sport vs Action. What do you think?
You can buy Fifa if you want utter bullshit every time you play, or you can buy Just Cause and blow loads of shit up and have fun.
Fifa, the cod of the football world, the same fucking game every year with different stats on the players, EA's worst game, pure cancer.
You can buy Fifa if you want utter bullshit every time you play, or you can buy Just Cause and blow loads of shit up and have fun.
But what if I mod Fifa? Every time there is a goal there is a Michel Bay Explosion! Or If I mod Just cause 3 To have a Football match? Two games in one :3
Fuck fifa 16, buy just cause 3. All fifa games look similar anyways. Just because this fifa has girls don't mean it's different
Lmao don't buy Fifa... if you want to play soccer, go play outside... just buy Just Cause 3... and if you want to shoot people do NOT go outside and do it.
Fifa just why even in fifa 26 it will probably be the same crap.

Just Cause keeps getting better and better and also they are making Mad Max so why the hell should you buy Fifa.