K15 - Amount of firemen and medics back to scoreboard + bonus. (idea 46-47/155+)

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Reaction score
Rzeszów, Poland
Topic: The amount of firemen and paramedics should be visible for everyone to encourage people to join.

Short explanation (in notes):
- If someone sees that there are no paramedics or firemen, it's much more likely for them to join.
- If there are no medics, that text could also glow, because they are always needed.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
It's completely unrealistic that sometimes there are no paramedics and dead bodies are lying everywhere. And a slightly less important thing - a big fire and no firemen. I don't even have to give any examples. Everyone knows that it happens often.
My solution is making the number of them visible again and optionally making it even more visible to encourage people to join.
By glowing I mean the glowing border around the text. Like the glow moderators/etc. have in OOC chat.
It wouldn't be hard to make the server return a value every 1 or 2 minutes showing whether or not there are any fires on the map, would it?

Don't think about how realistic it is to know whether or not there are any paramedics or firemen. Think how realistic it would be in a big city to have no paramedics or firefighters.
In real life you don't need to know how many paramedics there are because ALWAYS there are many of them. But in PERP it is important for other players to play as paramedics. At least 2 per city. Not 0. That's why saying "it's unrealistic to see it" is wrong.

Optional additions:
- If there is a fire and no firemen or no paramedics, it could show in the top right corner when the inventory is open to make it more visible. Why not?
- If there are any fires on the map, the text showing the amount of firemen could glow.
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Completly unrealistic. IRL, you can't know if there are firemens or paramedics. Yea, that there are most times no firemens is also unrealistic, but it need a another solution
The problem isn't that people can't see how many people are Paramedics, the problem is that the jobs are just unattractiv. E.g. Playing as fireman is just the most boring shit ever. You sit in the Fire Department for around 20 minutes, and then get called to a vehicle fire which extinguishes itself before you even arrived. Being Paramedic is the same, you just drive around, get shouted at to revive someone. You then spam right-click and press left-click. Occasionally you get taken as hostage and get killed yourself, lovely.

How we could battle this problem? I honestly don't know. We're not doing advanced Medical RP, so we can't really expand the job. What could be possible for the Firefighter job is that they also have to come to car crashes to free people, and stuff.

Everyone has to remember that serious doesn't mean real. This is a computer game after all. Medics revive people shot or rammed instantly without any equipment or the need of a hospital, everything takes a lot shorter time to finish, many things are impossible - crafting pistols within minutes from raw metal without any tools whatsoever, drugs take 40 minutes to grow, S.W.A.T. officers aren't trained, often there is no mayor or even no paramedics in the whole city, many things are unrealistic etc.

It's supposed to be realistic (to some extent) but displaying the amount of paramedics won't make it less realistic. It will only make the situations when there are no paramedics happen less often. Even 4 paramedics per city isn't real-life like.

Besides that, I could as well say "Admin situations are unrealistic" or "Jailtime should be counted in real life months or years". Do you understand it now? A computer game can't be too realistic, no matter how serious it is.
Mhm I think the jobs need to be made more interesting and more fun.
House fires need to spread more quickly and offer better rewards.
There needs to be things such as random fires around the city occasionally otherwise it's just wait, wait, wait.
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