K3 - Urban driving mode. (idea 14/150)

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Rzeszów, Poland
Topic: Urban driving mode for cars - maximal speed of 35mph and lower acceleration.

Here, have a creative idea. I didn't feel like writing another wall of text ideas.

Short explanation (in notes):
-With one press of a key you lower your car's acceleration and set maximal speed to 35MPH
-Adds realism and more fun to driving
-Make the keybind changeable in options (mouse1 by default until we get VCmod and it will be used for indicators)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
In real life you have a gas pedal. Here you just go full throttle every time you press "W".
Before you tell me "THIS IDEA IS STUPID, USE CRUISE CONTROL", I have something to say <.<
First - you don't normally use cruise control in a miniature city. Second - if you don't turn it off before EVERY CORNER, you will cross the other side of the road, drive onto pavement or crash into a wall. If you reallyyyyyy need more reasons for that idea to be accepted... Okay, two more. It should lower the acceleration of all vehicles by a significant amount so you can have fun driving instead of braking all the time. That way you could precisely park, follow another car without crashing, tap "W" less often and stop looking at that stupid speedometer at all times so you can look at the road. Also, toggle-able lower acceleration mode for racing cars would be probably appreciated by many players.

And don't forget about tickets for speeding.

Idea - if you're driving above 35mph and you turn urban mode on, you start braking (like with "S" key, not spacebar) until you reach 35mph. In real life it's much easier to control speed.

Optional additions:
- Add a slider to change maximal speed in options - 30mph to 45mph, 35 by default. Would be really useful if acceleration was reduced.
- Don't tell me that it's not needed just because someone has to code it. (yes, it's a LESS optional addition)
- First set the maximal speed and then change acceleration values because it could take some time depending on how the car scripts work. Optionally introduce it to the most popular cars first.
I agree, Cars in PH are rather unrealistic, Realistic acceleration would be rather difficult to emulate on the PC however, given that none of the keys have the possibility of varying degrees of force without using specialised peripherals, such as a steering wheel, or those thrust levers you get in planes. (forgot the name)
But I believe it could be made better, for example, maybe an advanced cruise control system could be bought as an upgrade for vehicles, which would maybe give you the option to limit your top speed and acceleration by two separate percentages, obviously, there should be hotkey you must press to toggle it on or off, and possibly, some kind of light on the HUD's speedo, like the vehicle lights notification.
While the speed limit part is doable, there's no good way to really lessen the acceleration of vehicles that works decently. Perhaps simply replacing the cruise control system with a speed limiter that you adjust in the same ways as the cruise control. I think besides going impossibly slow, the cruise control is an under used function anyways. So I would simply say we change that to be a player controlled speed limiter instead, default I guess would be 35 like you said, when toggled, and then use the scroll wheel to move that value up and down.

Replace cruise control with adjustable speed limiter.
A Stephen said, I think changing the cruise control to a standard low speed limiter would work better. I actually never use the cruise control as it currently is, since its not useful and actually gives you a little boost when you stop it again.
Cruise control now replaced with adjustable upper limiter. Same controls as cruise control used.
  • Middle click to enable/disable
  • Mouse wheel up - increase limiter speed
  • Mouse wheel down - decrease limiter speed.

So now just set your desired speed before taking off or during, and you won't exceed that limit. It no longer drives forward for you, so hopefully less accidents as a result and more control over your vehicle.

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