Multiple suggestions all related to vehicles.

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Yet again, this is another multiple suggestions thread however these suggestions are not as excessive as other ideas previously suggested. I appreciate any feedback I receive on these suggestions and will try my best to make improvements/adjustments if neccessary.

Suggestion #1:
Custom speedometer/fuel-meter appears on test driven vehicles.

Short explanation:
-The addition of the custom speedometer/fuel-meter found in regular vehicles to the test vehicles found at car dealer.

Detailed description:
-In multiple vehicles which are able to be test driven, there is a significant lack of vision especially in cars such as the (VIP) Dodge Challenger of the built in speedometer on the vehicle itself from TDM cars. This lowers the accuracy of players judgement on certain vehicles which is never helpful (I have purchased a car in the past where I thought it went 80mph and it ended up going max 50mph with upgrades, I was not happy). This may have been suggested in the past however I do feel like it is required. This will also help stop people asking in help chat about the speeds of certain vehicles.

Optional additions:

Suggestion #2:
Indicators on test drive vehicles.

Short explanation:
-The addition of the indicators on regular vehicles to the test vehicles found at car dealer.

Detailed description:
-In all vehicles which can be test driven, non of them have working indicators. On mulitple occasions, that has caused me to have several problems such as being pulled over by the police and me having to explain (ooc) what happened, sometimes causing me to be given a ticket for not using indicators when turning. It has also lead to me having several crashes around the business area in general. I believe that this would not only help stop accidents and un-needed situations from happening but will also (slightly) improve realism on the server.

Optional additions:

Suggestion #3:
The ability to toggle (at the car dealer) whether you want to enable or disable the upgraded vehicles before being taken on test drives.

Short explanation:
-The addition of a switch/button which allows us to change whether the vehicles we are taking on a test drive from the car dealer are upgraded or not.

Detailed description:
-According to some, every vehicle which players can take on test drives has the upgrades permanently enabled. I am not sure about whether this is true but this has caused me personally to have certain issues when purchasing vehicles. On multiple occasions (similarily to suggestion #1) I have not been able to accurately judge the speed of a vehicle due to the car being modified to have better performance. New(ish) players which join the server may choose to test drive a vehicle and notice its high speeds and performance as-well as low price, however when they purchase the vehicle, it is significantly slower and causes players to become argovated. This will not only stop people from purchasing vehicles based on their incorrect performance rates but will also stop people asking in help chat about the speeds of certain vehicles.

Optional additions:

Suggestion #4:
A test course for players who wish to test drive cars from the car dealer.

Short explanation:
-The creation of a specific area designated towards being able to test drive vehicles more sufficiently.

Detailed description:
-On numerous occasions, I have noticed that players (such as myself) cannot gather accurate results on a vehicle when only being able to travel a certain distance. I have also (most of the time) never been able to get accurate results of vehicles when on test drives due to this. For example, I was once test driving a Mazda MX-5 and wanted to push the vehicle to the limit for the most accurate results such as it's top speed, handling and acceleration rates, however on such tight and short roads around the car dealer, I have never been able to reach these limits, this is not a neccessary suggestion however (I believe) it would be a good addition

Optional additions:

Thankyou for reading, feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions in a reply to this thread.
Just to note out; These are no upgrades that the car dealer makes, the upgrades come for a tuning garage the car dealer is the people who just sell you the car. So I'm actually not supporting the idea about toggling the upgraded car thingy because here you take a vehicle out of their house for a test drive, I mean your car can get #rekt'd by tuning it and I don't really think a car dealer would risk that.
Test Drive area would mean the map would have to be redesigned and the map is already completely in the boundaries of what the source engine can handle. Having the upgrades rated or noted on at the test drive NPC Is a okay idea but unrealistic as modified cars are very uncommon. But support for having the speedometer and indicators on the test drive vehicles, you do often get stopped by the police when test driving and its a pain in the arse.
You should really make seperate threads for each ideas, it makes it a lot easier and means people who think of the same idea will be able to find it easier when searching before posting the idea.

Anyway, i +support all these small but good ideas. They all make sense to have on the server, and adding them would be farily useful.
As noted by @Holy Shit its Danny D it'd be easiest if these were multiple ideas so also when it is accepted or denied people can tell by the title of the post if it is a duplicate of theirs or not. That said, I will cover each of these.

  1. Test vehicles having speedometer. Done and added for next update
  2. Test vehicles having indicators. See above.
  3. Ability to using upgrades on test drives. No for the simple reason of, any upgrades to your car are done as an aftermarket addition and not officially licensed by the dealer. Which is also why when you go to sell your car, you gain no extra value from those upgrades.
  4. Test drive course. While I understand 2 minutes isn't much time especially with a crowded server so the highway has a tendency to get backed up, there's really nothing that can be done about this. The only possible thing would be to have test drives be on an entirely different server set up with only that in mind, but that's far more work and hassle than I'm willing to do, sorry. At some point I may take the time to record the top speed of each vehicle, and perhaps list the upgrade speeds somewhere as well, but first I will need to finish all the vehicles handling and speeds so I can predictably say what they are because I have it planned out for what I want each car to do, but changing them to do it is a different story. I digress though, a test area will not be added but more information will be at the car dealer and probably upgrade NPC later on.
Overall I don't know where to move this thread to though because of the multiple ideas and the fact that it ends up with 50% accepted/done and 50% denied. I guess accepted though as it started with one that was.
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