Cheap Car Change

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Main idea: Change the way upgrades work to make cheap cars more viable

Description: Upgrades will have two stages, on a car that cannot go equal to or faster than 65MPH, upgrades will be 150k, and will provide only a very minor boost to acceleration. Once the car CAN go over 65MPH, it will revert to the upgrades we have now. 2 Increments, at whatever their CURRENT price is of +10MPH limit, decent acceleration boost.

This will make people who want to use some of the cheaper cars for the looks, or for the fun able to do so as the cars will be fundamentally viable. They will all be able to hit 85MPH with a very large investment. Now you might be thinking, "Wow that's dumb, the cheapest car can go 85MPH now?" Yes, It can. While it's cheap to buy, to get it from its' base speed of 35MPH up to a top of 85, you'd need 5 upgrades, totaling $750,000, not including the actual purchase price. This change would be to keep the balance of cheap cars being cheap cars, while also allowing the more utilitarian ones, like the Transit to function better, or the Mini to be a car you could actually carry through the game. Most supercars already exceed 85MPH, and would still undoubtedly accelerate faster. The only time vehicles affected by this change would ever hit their TOP speed would likely be in the subs highway where they have plenty of time to accelerate.

TL: DR Allow cheaper cars to be upgraded more to make them function better.

If you like a cheaper car, you can use it instead of having it cap out at 55MPH
Any car becomes a viable option to use, even if not the best
More realistic, as most cars, especially with modification can hit a speed like 85MPH.
Will promote more than just supercars being peoples' style cars, properly kitted out minis might actually make a debut.
Utilitarian cars like the transit, Vandura, Syclone or Sierra will be decent all around cars.

Makes supercars less necessary.. i guess?
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Please at least change the double upgrade speed of the Dodge Challenger 1970 to 70 Mph since thats half the speed it can do stock IRL. :(((
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