Kenty | Communication Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @blackdown @Collier (not fully sure at this point.)
How long were you banned for?: PERMA from OOC, LOOC, HELP Chat

Your Steam Name
: Kenty
Your In-game Name: Kenty Inagawa
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157864594

Why were you banned/blacklisted: NSFW Content on forums, extended to Perma comms ban after the system was introduced.

Why should this appeal be considered: I've taken some time to roll around on the server without the pleasures of having OOC/LOOC, at first it took some getting used to but It kind of helped me with F6 making when needed instead of going off at someone in OOC and getting banned there. I feel like I've proven myself in recent weeks especially yesterday when being given Event Staff and being trusted to not mess up even after my whole UAV demotion sob story 5-6 months ago, and from my knowledge, I followed through fine and didn't show any signs of 'Bullshittery'.

I've taken time to focus on helping sweaters and I've done this in the background or within RP in my casino: Cool link to show the community spotlight. I honestly don't consider myself toxic, I might swear a lot in character (I change my accents a lot and play different characters for jokes) or go off at someone with a really bad microphone in-game that just doesn't understand they sound like they're communicating from a toilet bowl, whatever I say I don't normally mean and I've shown and given back what I could to the community to show that I'm capable of operating myself while being on the server and I believe I've proved I'm capable of using LOOC/OOC.

I'm sorry for posting NSFW content on forums at first, it was a joke and now I understand I'm on 'Thin Ice' after being CWB'd and Comms banned and sat on long bans for nearly 60% of 2020.

Additional Comment(s): Thanks for reading.

We feel that you have yet to demonstrate that you will not misuse communications within the community. When you feel that you have improved in the future, please make another appeal.
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