Kenty's Introduction

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Basically, I'll start off by talking about who I
reallly am, and why I decided to make a full
Introduction post.​

Who am I?

I speak Lithuanian and Russian but I like to stick to English since that's what I stick to when I do anything in general. I'm a brockhampton and Tyler the creator fanboy and I do casual stuff.

I'm Kenty, when I first joined Perpheads as
as a whole, I was called 'Paul Park' which
was originally intended to be a very chopped and shortened version of my real name, I actually joined for the first time around July 2017 and only properly returned to the server in October of 2017.

I decided to join PD and care for my first group of friends which were my organisation members once I had them In.

After tryharding PD and not earning Corporal for 4 months since I got Snr officer, I had a breakdown and quit in April and that was the strike in my slight inactivity, during that point until yesterday, I felt perp didn't make me happy or fulfilled my happy mood. I later earned corporal after getting back in the PD routine.

Why did I make an Introduction Post?

I've decided to introduce myself because Ive never truly introduced myself or spoke about myself to many people, I also just felt like it might help new players get to know me, which I guess is cool?

Changes and Attitude and Me now.

As of now, from what I see and have experienced when having conversations with people and members of the community, I realised people see me in a really shitty way and see me as a minge, I always wanted to be taken seriously, and that's why I've switched up in character to people because of me wanting to do what I want. Right now, I stick to PD and I lurk on forums.

Fresh starts

I want to attempt to get a fresh start, only with those I have annoyed in the past and or annoy now. That's why I'm sorry to ya'll.

That's including all staff that hate me too
@Collier (Kidding)
tbh i dont think i like you at all, looking for drama "nd shit"
Nor does anyone like hackers.
Ye right
Nor does anyone like hackers.
cheating on a roleplay server? are you actually autistic? no one has proof that i cheated cuz no one has demos, prove me wrong :3
and idgaf tbh dont prove me shit i could care less if u think that im cheating.
+ i didnt really ask you for an opinion mr anti-spam with 6 views on twitch rofl