Kevko's Custom Weapon Skins Showcase

Your favorite skin?

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Berlin, Germany
I wanted to show you some of the weapon skins I made so far.
You may have seen them on Discord already, but I want to know your favorite.
You can vote for 3 of your favorites.
I will show future skins here as well.
(I take no skin requests and I won't share them (maybe only to some chosen ones))


About the Glow Effect:
A lovely member had a problem where his skin had this effect on his skin.
The "problem" and the fix for that is to save your design as Targe (.tga), not as a .png file.
I am trying to find out how to make only the lines glow, without the whole slide being greenish.
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I am trying to find out how to make only the lines glow, without the whole slide being greenish.
You have to edit the .vmt file for the texture, the green is because you have a $selfillum flag with $selfillumtint set to "[0 1 0]" and if you want the lines to glow mess around with envmap and color2 flags.
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You have to edit the .vmt file for the texture, the green is because you have a $selfillum flag with $selfillumtint set to "[1 0 0]" and if you want the lines to glow mess around with envmap and color2 flags.
I wanted to show you some of the weapon skins I made so far.
You may have seen them on Discord already, but I want to know your favorite.
You can vote for 3 of your favorites.
I will show future skins here as well.
(I take no skin requests and I won't share them (maybe only to some chosen ones))


About the Glow Effect:
A lovely member had a problem where his skin had this effect on his skin.
The "problem" and the fix for that is to save your design as Targe (.tga), not as a .png file.
I am trying to find out how to make only the lines glow, without the whole slide being greenish.
ump skin fire
Make the chamber on skin 5 also gold since it’s one piece with the barrel.

Sick skins tho ngl.
really fw #1, water gun is heat...

also the glow effect is sick i've never seen that :shamefullyembarrased: