Keys being re-added

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Topic: Keys coming back again

Short explanation (in notes):
- Looks bland.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Without the keys now it looks very bland, the keys being removed now till you're close to a door, the thing is it kind of removed the purpose of owning a camera now since you could just turn adverts and everything else off and take a photo.

It also makes it look a bit bland and could confuse new players.

Optional additions:
- Nothing.
Personally, I think it looks more immersive then previously when it took 15% of your view; I hate using this word but it also looks more "realistic"
-+Neutral I don't think it should be removed completely, as it is more realistic. I like Pusheen's idea of being able to toggle keys, so they don't automatically come up near doors and create the lag reported. Maybe have the player holding keys (actual player model) when they are toggled to keep the realism?
+/-Neutral Making an option for this is a good idea, but it's fine by me as it is now. IRL i've my keys always in my pocket till i need them, and that's now on Perpheads. So I stay neutral.
+Support IF you get the option to toggle it, I plan to use my SteamVR in perp when I get it in December, and I feel that it would make things a lot more immersive if I had the option.
+Support, either make a toggle option or bring them back, I personally dislike it without the keys and I also get confused if I have my keys out or im just bugged.
The reason this was done was to add onto the roleplay feeling of the GUI when playing, you're seeing through your characters eye without the plaster casted arm floating in your face. This view is amazing, and full first person should happen in every roleplaying game. You're just not used to it yet, but you will be and you will notice that it has a positive impact on the server and your roleplay experience.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. While I understand it isn't maybe 100% clear if you have keys out or not, I can't even begin to count the number of people that always complain about having the key always on screen. So I guess sure I could make an option to have it do the current behavior if set to, but it'll at least wait a week for next weekends update. Personally I think it's too soon to really judge as its not even been in effect for 24 hours yet. Like the heavy breathing, sure people might not like it immediately, but eventually it becomes fairly standard and hardly noticed. In this case you don't notice it and that was the idea. I'm even a bit tempted to do the same kind of thing with fists and not have them come up until you're ready to punch since the way your character stands has his/her arms at their sides and not up and in an attack stance. Anyways, I'm going to leave as it is for a bit, at mid week or so I may release a poll about an option, but give it a chance before saying if you like it or dislike it.

P.s. yes it may stutter sometimes but that's due to a few different reasons, namely FPS jitter.

Like Stephen said, he will try and make an option available in the F1 Menu.
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