KI WOLFS were a group of boys that were in the U.S. Military , A Squadron of 6 men by the name of 'KI WOLFS' a tactical U.S. Military group that worked and stood in the shadows. They were ghosts. There time was up after a mission ended. Mission number #78 Code Name : Zulu , when they traveled to a small town in IRAC called AR Rutbah , when KI Wolfs had to stop a convoy full of cargo that was going to be used to blow up the U.S Army base. , The convoy consisted of 2 Humvees and 1 truck that were stolen from the base that was attacked , the convoy was moving closer to the ambush destination , we had CPL Widow giving us the heads up with his sniper , located west approximately 400m , he gave us the heads up via the radio and we were all ready , the convoy arrived and we sprang out guns blazing , the front and back Humvees were taken out and the driver of the truck was token out by CPL Widow. We gave the all clear to HQ and General Rex sent a cargo bob to pick up the truck and move out , but it didnt go to play , the Talibans shot a RPG at the cargo bob and it went down , crashing into 5 of my men. I was injured and the Talibans were getting closer , I ran for as long as I could. After scavenging for food and water for over a week , and finding my way on a train to a place I did not know , I found myself in Paralake , I ran to the phone booth and tried to call HQ , no one picked up , all I heard was - Out Of Range , I couldn't contact anyone in the HQ , and they all thought I was dead. I had to start a new life. I had no money to live off from , I needed to make money some how , If I got a job as a government employe , They could trace me , so that wasn't an option so , I had to chose the other way. I couldn't do it by myself , so I decided to make KI WOLFS again.
Guide Lines of KI Wolves
1. Don't bring attention to the HQ / Base
2. Don't disrespect higher ranking soldiers
3. Always base with the HQ When asked
4. Have a panic button
5. Never be off guard while in a base , you should always be prepared for an attack.
6. Always respond to a panic when commanded by a higher ranked soldier
KI Commander
Harry Axton
KI Executive OF
KI Captain
KI Lieutenant
KI Sergeant
KI Senior Soldier
KI Soldier
KI WOLFS Recruitment status
KI WOLFS are looking for , dedicated , fearless and stealthy soldiers!
Do you think you have what it takes to join KI WOLFS?
Apply Here : https://perpheads.com/threads/ki-wolfs-applications.18293/
Commander Axton