Kicked out of home

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Alright so I kinda fucked up. Got drunk. And now my parents wants me to GTFO out of the house. Any ideas how to move out fast and quietly?
[DOUBLEPOST=1421494762,1421494684][/DOUBLEPOST]Its pretty bad this time. Nothing to talk about tbh. Wasnt mean or anything. Just got drunk and was talking with people the whole night thats what fucked it up pretty much. Any ideas?
[DOUBLEPOST=1421494902][/DOUBLEPOST]Im from Sweden BTW. So Swedish people if you have any ideas/Want to share living space give me a message
[DOUBLEPOST=1421495550][/DOUBLEPOST]Alright /Excuse the language/ How in the fuck do I get out of here please give tips ;p
Try your best to explain to your parents.
I used to and still get completely hammered.
You have two approaches:
-Move out the house (grab a hostel or ask your friends to move in for them while the situation settles at home)
-Tell your parents what happened was accidental and stop drinking for a period of time to regain their trust.

Hope this helped
Matt :)
Get new parents, honestly. Unless you did some fucked up shit while drunk, they are nothing but a-holes when trying to kick you out.
Are you underaged? If yes go to the youth welfare office near you. They have to help, atleast in Germany. Shouldn't be much different in Sweden.
How old are you lad?

I don't k ow the difference of Swedish and Danish laws regarding that, but I have met some that moved to a different family due to family assault.

What I would do was to simply call my friends to let them ask their parents for info about what to do, where to go if they happened to kick me out.
I guess you need to contact the services in Sweden about family relations or simply just contact a friend's parent or a cop (cops usually knows a lot.)

But oh well how old are you? Also curious if you did get permission to drink which everyone does in most cases
Depends how old you are and if you have a job, if you don't have a job then tell your parents to learn to love you more because they are heartless peaces of shit to kick you out if you have no job.
i have a history of substance abuse and criminal chargeS behind me. ive been sober though for 2 years now and i decides to have a drink. even though iwas drunk i was friendly and minded my own business but still they want me gone. thanks for the tips u guys ill apply for soc on mondAy. typing from cellphone, explsins why my spelling sucks
i have a history of substance abuse and criminal chargeS behind me. ive been sober though for 2 years now and i decides to have a drink. even though iwas drunk i was friendly and minded my own business but still they want me gone. thanks for the tips u guys ill apply for soc on mondAy. typing from cellphone, explsins why my spelling sucks

They probably think you're at it again. A year or two back my parents found my acid. Just talk to them first man! They'll understand. Explain that you have an addictive personality and if required will go to "rehab" (yes I know its pathetic considering you got drunk but it shuts them up trust me!) Just stay strong brother! They dont look at substance abuse or criminal records too strongly when applying for housing

Good Luck