Kidnap Blindfolds, Hand Ties, Cuffs, and gags.

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Michigan, United States of America
Topic: This script:

Short explanation (in notes):

This script comes with kidnap handcuffs, blindfolds, kidnap leashes, and gags. People kidnapped can break out of their cuffs by spamming left click (this can be configurable).

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

I think it would greatly enhance roleplay, no more typing /me to tie and kidnap people and FailRP.

Optional additions:

I think it would be best if the handcuff, blindfold, and gags would be sold separately and the kidnap leashes wouldn't be purchasable, I feel like the kidnap leash is little too OP and unrealistic.

I also think it would be neat if you could take their weapons once you have them cuffed, I don't think there's a feature like that in the script but I'm sure it could be coded.
Considering how DarkRP is much different (thankfully) this would not work here. Besides the fact Script Fodder is by far one of the worst things GMod has ever had done to it, and yes that includes Garry's awful updates that break everything, I would never stain myself or the server with anything from there.

There already are countless other suggestions if you try using the search so I am going to close this. As for the idea itself, it needs more behind it as to if someone is left in this state does it wear off, can they get out of it themselves, can you randomly do this to anyone, etc. It really needs thought as to make it not awful and not something that creates a load of /reports.
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