Kim Ketler and Viktor Volair

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Your Steam/In-game Name: rasmusbrinch01/Fredy Newman
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Kim Ketler and Viktor Volair
His/Her SteamID: No idea
1) Failed to RP on gunpoint ( Notice the talking icon were im telling him to stay still and put his hands up. Instead he pulls out his gun...
2) Throwing a molotov. Trapping himself. Killing himself. Unrealistic act. You would never do so in real life. Speciely because the guy knew that we were more than one person.


If it will end out in a ban could we then get the AK back :)
As you can see, I pulled out the weapon earlier before I was able to see them. They weren't in my field of view. Neither were they close enough for that to count as a "gunpoint". My friend is allowed to throw that molotov. First of all, he threw it a bit further away, so that he still had a chance to escape. Secondly, even if he decided to throw the molotov right at the entrance, he could've done that, because he knew, that he was going to die anyway. Maybe his char just wanted to deny the goodies from the raiders, that were indeed inside that room? As I stated, he could've been suicidical at that point, because his chances of survival were slim anyway.
Oh, and, it is pretty obvious, that these two were using a third-party program to communicate. They were pretty darn coordinated even tho' they didn't speak when they entered.
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Request Pending

First of all 'Viktor Volair' didn't really break 3.4 in this video, since your weapon was clearly in passive stance and your friend wielding the AK was out of sight.


Secondly, by just using the video given it is not enough to tell whether 'Kim Ketler' had seen you two enter the church when he pulled out his pistol, here's the angle he was facing when he pulled it out:


Now what I am thinking is that it's unusual to just pull out your pistol randomly inside your own property unless you thought there was a threat nearby. If 'Kim Ketler' was aware that he had two intruders inside his property and still pulled out his gun, then yes he did break 3.4 as he had an ak47 and a glock-20 pointed at his body at a killshot distance. In conclusion I will need a demo from @Agent Green of the incident in order to decide whether or not 'Kim Ketler' saw you two before pulling out his weapon.
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When I'm on my property, I usually like to keep my weapon out, for obvious reasons; for me to be prepared for situations such as this. I had just been inside that room you can see next to my char, because I was setting up the drugs and placing them properly with my fists, so that they wouldn't show through the walls (even tho' using that info would be metagaming, but I still like to move them away from the walls, just to be sure). When I had finished placing the plants, I got out of the room and got onto that platform, and went into a semi-idle for a bit. When I payed some attention to the game again, I noticed, that I didn't have my gun out, so I decided to take it. After that, for my big surprise, when I looked to the left, I saw these fine fellows standing there. The rest can be seen from the video.
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Well first of all, is it my demo. I will sugest that you ask Poxier to upload his demo. To make sure that he coundt/could hear me asking him to drop his weapen

Well we were telling him to drop it/puts his hands up. Thats why he pulled it out
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Oh, did you tell me to drop my gun? I didn't even hear that. But anyway, that doesn't really change anything, because I already had my gun out.
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