Knife giveaway! - M9 Bayonet Marble Fade

Gotta love putting 50 pumpkins in a gmc vandura's back and blow it up with a bomb then headshot people with flying pumpkins whilst listening to hitler speeches cuz #realistic

Because circa ~2012 me and my mates had quite a thing going on in the good old rp_evocity_v33x. :cat:
Raiding those made you feel quite accomplished.
I love Perp because i can raid a base, chuck the immigrants into the back of my Van, mugg them and finally feed them to Piranas. But most of all i love Perp for @Alabin and his sexy voice.
Give me the knife, before i kill your cat put it under a hydraulic press and post it through your letter box.

On a more serious note, i love perp because, you can cdm people and give the excuse it was an "accident".