Ladders for firefighters

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Description of the idea: Firefighters should have a retractable ladder within the large fire truck to help assist in roleplay in multiple situations.

Why should this be added? (pros): This can help firefighters get to high places where someone needs rescuing or could fall off a high place or simply when a fire is on a high unreachable area.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Can be abused to get on roofs without reason, can be counteracted by only being allowed to be used when a police corporal+ grants access to the ladders through the police computer.
Can be abused to get on roofs without reason, can be counteracted by only being allowed to be used when a police corporal+ grants access to the ladders through the police computer.
Because police Corporals are the best people to entrust with who has access to a roof or not. No, if this is how it got countered, then this would mean that it would almost ONLY be misused in this manner.

I like the idea but at the same time see little use for it.
Had fire between a subs house and a hedge, couldn't reach it, a ladder would have helped then.
Just counter it with only being able to place a ladder in the vicinity of a fire, ez.
I solved that issue by climbing on the fire dodge. There’s hydrants on the street which negates the need for the full size engine
There are barely any high places you can get stuck on without being in an admin sit. We use the roofs quiet often, giving people the option to hop on them whenever they want would be annoying. This could also be abused during shootouts giving people the high ground advantages. I would say the negatifs do not outway the rare scenarios in which this actually might be useful.
A ladder would also be useful for puffer mart whenever the roof catches fire, which it can, and has done before. Almost impossible to put out without boosting onto the roof.
well police could still use those ladder couldn't they? Just put a TFU officer with a sniper on a roof and GG. The only thing the firefighter has to do is put his ladder in the right place.
Not if the requirements to put down a ladder would be for there to be a nearby fire, it won't.
@Alliat The whole reason TFU is there is for tactics, The sniper can rarely ever be used from what I've witnessed, Having a sniper posted in a certain area would be handy and would allow the sniper to actually be used.
@Jimmy Jackson “the sniper can rarely be used from what I’ve witnessed” bit of an exaggeration I hope? The sniper rifle can be used in any and all cases of outdoor combat, especially in places that have vantage points, and despite there not being as many as I would like in some places, there’s still plenty.

@Alliat I know how to get onto many different roofs without using a ladder.

@Exnem good idea, but at the same time, there’s instances where a fire fighter might need to place a ladder not near a fire, such as to get people off the monorail track, etc.
@Exnem as @BigBenji pointed out if you can only place the ladder down if there is a fire nearby you would make the ladder even less of a usefull tool. I think time that is needed to implement this can be better used on different projects. Even tho I do agree that we should make the firefighter job a more fun job with more tools.
"I think time that is needed to implement this can be better used on different projects." This is a really dumb way of putting it. You'll never have any potentially useful ideas implemented with this line of thinking.

The ladders that firefighters are suggested to get is literally intended to be used to access fires, I don't see what reason you could have to campaign against it so harshly. It's not like it's gonna be implemented once and then never touched again, to forever serve one purpose. A better way to restrict its uses could be implemented along the way.

One way to restrict its use is to limit it to firefighters only, removing the roof-camping TFU and the restriction of nearby fires to place a ladder alltogether. Sure, you'll get the occasional firefighter climbing onto a roof such as the fire department, then spotting drugs through a window, but at that point if you haven't blocked your window you've brought it on yourself. If you can't block off the window, grow in a room without windows. The map is sufficiently restricted to disallow people from getting into majorly disruptive positions such as the apartment buildings at hospital that serve as scenery, or on top of the PD.
@Alliat because fires are never on Jennifer’s and ragnatec roof in business?

there are plenty of places that fire spreads, not having to rely on staff or boosting each other would be great.

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