Law 2.3 - Right to have an Supervisor

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United Kingdom
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New

What law do you wish to change/add: Right to have an Supervisor , not bringing you to the Police Department , getting a supervisor at the scene its total bull when they're like there will be a supervisor at the PD when there is none and you'll have to go with the highest rank there or nothing.

All people should have an right to have an supervisor.

Why should this change/addition be made:

What is the aim of this change/addition: All players / people should have rights to have a supervisor at the scene / location , the supervisor will make the decision of what happends to be honest. (e.g. I got unlawfully cuffed and jailed and I wanted a supervisor but instead they brought me to the PD Interrogation room , you should be allowed to not have to be driven to the PD and you should get the supervisor down there instead.

Additional Information: My grammar sucks , ask questions down below.
Below is the current PLPD policy on this.

Officers are expected to allow suspects the chance to speak to a supervisor if they request it. This right may be declined under the following circumstances: no supervisors will review the case (they may only do this if they were previously involved and have already reviewed it), another supervisor has already ruled, the arresting officer is already a supervisor, a supervisor is not available.
@Garret_Pp @Samuel
Hello @Frej

We published a reference sheet a couple of days ago, we collected common rulings from police complaints and added them to the document. The document should be seen as a list of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and not a Policy. If you see a whitelisted officer breaking any of the Standard Operating Procedures, then make a police complaint. A PM was sent out to all whitelisted officers about this, so all officers should have read the document.


Officers are expected to allow suspects the chance to speak to a supervisor if they request it. This right may be declined under the following circumstances: no supervisors will review the case (they may only do this if they were previously involved and have already reviewed it), another supervisor has already ruled, the arresting officer is already a supervisor, a supervisor is not available.
I personally believe that there is no need for a law, a standard operating procedure is enough.
Your main wish is that you want the supervisor at the scene rather than at the PD. That's just not going to happen in a lot of cases, especially when the suspect was involved in a murder. It could easily be used to stall for time while the suspect's friends prepare to free him.

The right to a supervisor is abused from time to time, but officers are expected to honour it nonetheless. It won't be made anymore abusable.

At the end of the day this is a serious roleplay server, and if you don't want to spend 5-10 minutes of your precious time fighting your case in a police investigation at the PD then you're playing on the wrong server.
Say you are at bazaar. You arrest someone for murder , he has friends around and he requests a supervisor. Are you really going to stay there like a sitting duck? Or safely transport your suspect to a secure, safer location?
You have a right to a supervisor as stated by Samuel and don't complain if you are put in the holding cell to wait, especially if you are suspected of something severe like murder. Traffic stops can usually be dealt with by waiting for a supervisor by the side of the road if it is not obstructing anything and if comes down to that no supervisor is available you can gather evidence to, make a complaint or go to the PD and speak to somewhere there.
Although there are already policies implemented, the new SOP will clarify this.

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