Law Addition: '1.12: Harassment and Voyeurism'

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United Kingdom
What law do you wish to Edit/Add: 1.12

Your version of the law:
1.12: Harassment and Voyeurism: The extensive pursuit, observation or questioning of persons in a public or private space against their will is a criminal offence.

Why do you believe this law should be Added/Edited:
(Be extensive and descriptive)
The reason that I wish to add this law is people are often followed extensively until they are in a position in which they can be victimized (mugged, intimidated or even murdered) by the ones who are following them. As the duty of the Paralake Police Department is to protect the civilians of the city from these attacks, I believe that it would be beneficial to add this law as it would prevent multiple crimes that can be prevented simply by separating predatory individuals from their targets.
The only problem i can see with this, and quite a big problem, is that how would the police gain evidence of someone folowing another person? They would only have to watch themselves, and they can't only take the victims word for it.

Law ?.?
"Any person who carries out an extensive pursuit, observation or questioning of persons in a public setting besides Law Enforcement Officers performing their duties shall be guilty of the offence of Harassment"
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