Leaving this lovely police department and leaving a note

Since posting this I have gotten countless messages, where people say that they agree that change needs to happen. It is a bit sad that these people don't dare to post on this thread tho :( Even people with high ranks within the PD have come out showing support for change, to save the PD. But I have not seen anything happen? Which is a bit sad.

And now you as a reader might think "what can they even do?". They can do anything, SMT controls the police department. Any changes they feel are needed, they can do. There is nothing stopping @Momo @McGlinchy and @Super_ from doing changes to the PD. So please, do what you feel is needed! Do not wait for Jesus to come and guide you. You guys hold incredible power. Especially Super in his position as Head of PSD.

As Head of PSD, you have important responsibilities. If you feel its needed, you can remove anyone. And together with your team, you can push for the changes that you feel are needed. I understand that a lot of plans were dependent on a new website, now that may or may not happen. But some changes can still happen! Do not let the in-activity of people stop you.

If you do what's best for the PD and the Community. No one will stand in your way. But if you stand idle by, waiting for a miracle then you should just resign and go on Cruises for old people. I know that all of SMT want to act, to do what's needed. Push the changes and reform the structure. Just do it!

It is time something is done, someone needs to take the reigns and move forward. It shouldn't have gotten to this point I agree but what are we waiting for.

Something needs to change and kickstart the department. If that means opening elections for a new Chief then that's what needs to happen and pronto.

I have full support for everything SMT have been trying to do but there's no hiding that something needs to happen.
You worked in rather strange ways which I couldn't understand at times but overall I appreciate and respect what you've done. You've brought a lot of great ideas forward, as divisive as you were at times, and you've done a lot of positive things for the server and I personally never had significant issue with you, even if I did disagree with some things. You also bring up a significant amount of entirely valid points of discussion in this thread which have gone unaddressed for way too long, which does cause me some level of concern for the community as a whole.

Hope you have fun & prosper in whatever you move on to.
@Tyla Jai There would need to be an application process first so people can register for the election and people can see what they are voting for but yes i do believe something needs to be done rather than sitting waiting for something to happen.
@Tyla Jai 2 ways an election is started

Collier resigns
Collier is demoted

Neither of them have happened and right now we are looking into the best way to handle this
Is there a way to move forward with a poll to demote the chief, like a community vote
No, the community doesn't and, hopefully, won't be given the power to demote people
I would love to see things change with the PLPD. Since I've joined perp at the start of the year almost nothing has been changed. Would be great to see some Big changes and to add a lot more to the PD. There is only so many times I'm willing to look at a black screen :(
literally no point pinging collier over and over. As @Husky said a community re-election every 3-4 months would be great, this server is serious rp but tbh it really has become too much
Hello. A much simpler website that is really only used for IA, infractions, Applications, and ORs would be brilliant. Was speaking to @Tyla Jai and he and I had some great ideas for a basic simple sight.

@McGlinchy has a great vision for the PD also, I believe a simple new website with minimal features could be great. Policies can be moved to the F1 tab, anything over PMs should be moved away from the intranet.

I’ve not been happy with PD SMT for a long time since the instant promotion to deputy chief of an evident pedophile. However, there are more issues: the complete slimming of command teams has only served to have less voices and less command+ ranks playing IG; the slow responses to any and every issue have become extremely disruptive. The inactivity control being ditched for supervisors is a huge issue, it clogs up SGT and ruins progression chances for Corporals..

Ngl when PLPD.online falls without a new site? We’re fucked
No one is pinging Collier over and over again.