Right, first of all. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes, I am on the road with bad internet and don't have a very stable place for my laptop.
But, are you joking or something? You are upset that
@McGlinchy has not shared his plans with you? THE PLANS THAT ARE GOING TO BE CREATED TODAY DURING SMT MEETING?! Of course, he has a rough outline of what changes he wants to implement but these are changes that have to be talked about in SMT first. You as a Captain will receive information when a plan has been created, and when SMT feels that its time to loop in command. You as the Head of a division should not shape or do major changes to it. This is for the SMT todo, you are merely the commanding officer. So I personally do not see any reason why you should get any first-hand information before a plan has been created within SMT.
This is something I have brought up several times, the future of the PD relies on stability, and therefore any change should be carefully planned by SMT. Big changes on the command level should no longer be a thing, that is what killed the PD in the first place. SMT should have full control of how the PD looks. In my opinion, you should sit and wait for them to talk to you about changes, not sit on the forums, and in a way shit-talking the new CoD. I find that disgusting, if you have issues with the information flow, TAKE IT UP WITH SMT IN PRIVATE.