Hello PerpHeads I am not going to start naming people again as that's pointless you know who you are and I know who I will continue to talk to after leaving but besides the point. I loved perpheads well, I loved the police side of perpheads hated the criminal side. But my time has come to a sad ending due to me messing about one night and my dreadful history I have been given no option but to call it quits just like Samuel said "deny it as you have had several chances to improve and to start following the rules." and John said "ban is because of the fact of your record," I am not going to lie I am not saint clearly. But I would consider myself a good role play when it comes to being police but besides the point their is no point trying to fight as I've done that and they just don't get a response (fade away) however, I do feel like I have actually benefited from perpheads as it thought me some life skills and I've made some good friends and possibly even life friends. Maybe I will appeal down the line but at this moment their is just no point me sticking around to find out what will happen. Regarding my Police rank expect a resignation soon. Have a nice new year perpheads. Considering we are so close my life time on perp is early 2015 (February) - 2016/2017. just shy of 2years. Goodbye for now.