LEO 2.5 Rule break / Posting for Bobbie

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United Kingdom, Devon
Your Steam/In-game Name: BobsenN / bobsen ross

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Islexic / Arthur bean

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:108104156

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Upon wanting to leave my apartment I was instantly shot down by an Officer going by the name of Arthur Bean, the Officer had no reason to do so and used the excuse of "he had a gun on him" - The cops claimed that they were setting up to raid the apartment below me but I was unaware of this at the time as they had never cordoned of the area or announced themselves.

Notes: No shots had been fired within the area, the presence of officers was never made clear, orders were not given a realistic time frame to be followed.

If this was a civilian and he was claiming it was a raid the user would be punished via the rules, I do not deem this necessary to be only taken via IA as it was also -in my opinion- a violation of 2.5.

Evidence (Demo Required):

https://gyazo.com/478bdb54032b16811f28ed06ccaa0eab - Here is my POV.
- Here is @Bean Can 's POV, the user stated in OOC he gave Bobbie a realistic amount of time to react but clearly within the video upon saying hands up he shoots multiple rounds - even the Officer next to him was surprised.

An Interal Affairs complaint will also be made regarding this situation.

@bobbieross @bobbieross @bobbieross
That 17 second clip doesn't show anything. You can't see the suspect at all. He was trying to get back into his apartment with an assault rifle on him and I feared for my life so I shot him. Not only that but the clip starts with me shooting him in the first place.
Ok so why didn't you put your hands up you could hear me yelling and then you tried to close the door on me from my pov...
@Islexic So I'll explain this once:

The second clip there is simply for audio, you inputted "put your hands up" AS YOU SHOT, not seconds before you shot as you claimed in OOC shortly after.

The first clip is a simple POV of Bobbies.
@Husky I said hands up and then he tried to close the door on me at gp. I wasn't going to shoot him until he pulled that move.
As I was obviously involved in this whole sit as a responding officer. I will be adding my view of the situation.
Notes: No shots had been fired within the area, the presence of officers was never made clear, orders were not given a realistic time frame to be followed.
As stated in this, we responded with no lights no sirens and didn't announce PLPD once. The goal was to apprehend a suspect who was warranted 3 times for murder(husky). I came in and didn't pull my gun until shots started and in the radio it was stated Husky was in regals 4(not 5). As most of you can here in the audio clip the officer fired shots in the middle of him saying hands up, and to my knowledge the person only had a gun on their back. This whole situation also blew our going in to get husky plan as this instantly showed them, we were after him and the whole PD died as a result.

Lastly, all situations have multiple sides to a story and would be helpful for @Islexic to provide a POV of the situation.
Ph accepted
You clearly had no reason to shoot him and he was 0 threat to you, the new use of force policy doesn’t even justify your actions. User will be given a warning
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