AR on Bobbie Ross/Wung Xin

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Marko

His/Her Steam/In-game Name
: SpazzMoid :D / wyxez
Wung Xin & Bobbie Ross

His/Her SteamID
: STEAM_0:0:163474619 / STEAM_0:1:645893

Why Should This Player Be Punished

They randomly shot me, i dont know if they were trying to mug us at the gas station or whatever but i didn't do anything to deserve being shot.

I believe they broke 2.5 by killing me without reason and possibly 3.21 but a demo from their POV will clear that up. Now i dont know which one killed me but they both took part equally from the looks of things and both need to answer for what they have done.


By the time you said hands up i had started to run away, i had no idea i was under gun point and when i heard you say hands up i stopped and turned around. Me being a witness is not a valid reason to kill me and quite frankly i dont think you even had a good enough reason to kill my friend. i remember the situation now. your friend was pretending he didn't know you calling you names and baiting my friend to start shit with him probably because you were bored and wanted someone to kill.
Evidence (Demo Required):
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Your friend took a pistol out on my friend Bobbie and threatened him.
After he did the mistake of letting us away after gunpointing us, we came back and killed him.
We had you under gunpoint and told you to put your hands up but you instead ran away so we killed you, and you were also a witness.
In the vid his friend is gunpointing Bobbie.
5 minutes later we shot his friend down, and while I gunpointed Marko he just ran away under gunpoint, while also being a witness, so we killed him.

You were associated with him and were almost around a corner when they started shooting you. Bad timing, nobody has broken the rules.
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