let's make a list of passiverp ideas?

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I think we need to do more roleplay on this SeriousRP server, let's make a list of some more passive style rp ideas for anyone to take from? i'll collate some here;
  • hotel, using several apartments rent them out to people for some money
  • restaurant/cafe, for example trapani pasta is quality RP
  • gym/spa
  • doctor's surgery
  • driving test centre
  • pub/bar
  • shops
I remember I tried to do some restaurant-roleplay on Valentine's day. Few hours later I got grenades thrown at me and I was taken hostage by @Youseff
Go try some roadside corona-drive through testing :)
@Bert as a cop normally does drive through DUI tests but most people drive past them and ignore them.

Id say more car meets and markets like the carboot sale that happened in Beach.

Furthermore, fight clubs aren’t too passive but normally bring a crowd through and it ends up being fun until cops shut it down
good ideas thank you, and yes any form of checkpoint I try people ignore it and I end up getting infractions for driving into them to stop them! *cough*
or just up it a bit and go bolt and go pd parking lot, cityhall front or regals parking lot (With staff approval obviously, well as long as you dont make it too obnoxious...)
I usually try and do passive rp as mayor. I'd hold political rallies or speeches and stuff, getting people involved.

Did some a while back and we had a crowd of like 9-10 people Infront of city hall before Garo went roid mad and shot me
I've done a few car meets before a few years ago, but I think I'm the ultimate roleplayer on PERPHeads.
Notable examples of my roleplaying:

  • Super Smash Brothers
  • Super Mario Brothers
  • Modern Warfare SAS roleplay (as Captain Price)
  • Deus Ex RP (as JC Denton with augmentations)
  • Metal Gear Solid RP (as Solid Snake)
  • Bungee jumping RP with @M and @JustFedorable
  • Bazaar Sheriffs Department with @John Daymon
  • Cowboy RP
  • Chav RP (by driving around in Corsa VXRs blasting MC Mental through the mic emulating a shit Corsa sound system.
  • White van man RP
  • Gypo RP by loading a transit van or pickup truck with loads of props with the idea of making props fly everywhere on the roads to simulate fly tipping and being a general nuisance.
  • Street racing and drifting with @Creepis as the organisation known as Initial PH
  • Mayor's Militia
  • Army RP with a load of people, once the biggest org in a single day.
Maybe use the churches on both evo and paralake more for some good jesus rp?

also @Alliat and i like to be creative when it comes to taking revenge on someone. Most of the time when you have a valid reason to murder someone you just stop his car and shoot him up. Me and Alliat rather ziptie and gag you to bring you to the forest where we shoot your kneecap and let you walk back to the city. Creativity is something i really miss on the server and without it perp is just another cops and robbers game.
Super mario brothers hmmmm. Love the roleplay, especially someone saying fucking fireball in OOC and throwing a molotov at the mayor