Lifetime VIP

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Big up luton
Topic: Lifetime VIP

Short explanation (in notes):
It is pretty self explanatory, Lifetime VIP for maybe £100?

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Lifetime VIP should be added because I think that people would actually buy it and it would be worth it if you are going to play PERPHeads for a long time. You could also make money off it and people who want to donate a large sum of money can do it easier instead of clicking.

Optional additions:
Maybe add a option where you can choose how many months of VIP you can buy instead of lifetime?
Everyone would buy the lifetime to prevent buying it every month, leaving the server with little money from the daily $10 donations since the people at Christmas will buy it.
If you get lifetime VIP, the server would make no profit. It's not that expensive anyway; only a couple of quid a month lets you play on a server with tonnes of content. VIP is merely there to support the hard work that the devs put into the server.
This will be very profitable for the server imo, its basicaly buying VIP for 20 months. But I dont think it will be very profitable for the players themselves, as most dont survive or just leave less then that time.

Also, are you unbanned?
Well if everyone started buying the life time VIP the server would start loosing alot of money meaning they cant run all there things ( Server, teamspeak, website)

But maybe the option of being able to select how many months you want
I wouldn't say this is a bad idea, but it's not a good one either. People who shout that the server will lose money are right in a way, but really this idea would bring a lot of money in a short amount of time. I mean heck if only 10 people buy lifetime (With the suggested amount of £100) that's £1,000 in a matter of days, which is a fantastic amount of money to get. But obviously the drawbacks is that the server would lose money because (As suggested by @BlitZKrieG) after 20 Months this pays for itself, but that's still nearly 2 years worth of money within one payment. So honestly, I see this as a good idea, because there will still be people willing to pay via the monthly installations.

Onto the user's benefits, it would be possible to make it so that there are some benefits to paying for lifetime. Not to mention that it is convenient to just pay once and never have to worry about it again.

My verdict is that this idea is good, but would have to be revised and carefully thought out by the senior administration team.
As this is mostly disagrees, I think the other Idea is a good one, Where you can choose how many months you can pay for up to 12 months.
its not really good for the server as some people will go and buy lifetime VIP and the server wont get profit anymore ... -Support
Yaseen is right.
See if someone buys vip for 5 euro each month in 2 year thats 120 euro.
Buying vip lifetime 100 euro is obviously not going to help keep the server up :/
I do not see the point in this, perpheads will not have any income due to the fact that people will not be buying vip every month or so....with out perpheads income, how are they going to afford to keep the server running? -support
People who will buy the lifetime would probably be gone in less then 2 years.
And everyone just decided that noone else is gonna buy for 1 month? Its not like everyone will buy it and everyone will stop, people will still buy VIP for lower times and new players wont buy lifetime in a flash, they will take their time to get to know the server, in which meanwhile other people would buy more lifetime for 100 quid and lower times that will keep the server going.

I still didnt understand why everyone decided that 100 quid for lifetime isnt more profitable to the server and would damage it in any way, or that people would stop buying 1 month VIPs or more for the rest of the servers life the moment this will get accepted.
I support this idea as it can be hugely profitable for the devs.

Quick reminder, go kill Identity already devs ffs.

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