Description of the idea: Limit the amount of properties a player can buy, 1 per category
Instead of making a new rule and enforcing this, I'd propose a function instead to limit people from buying out all the properties in order to run a "Real Estate RP" scheme or just for the fun of it and being an annoyance to other players, impacting their experience (2.5). I'd also rather have this implemented and not a function where a property gets sold automatically if you do not use it for a prolonged amount of time.
This would possibly also restrict organisations, but the hard limit would be 2 per category if you're in a organisation, you could possibly unlock more by levelling your organisation. E.g. if a player already has 2 properties of the Business category while he's in an organisation, other organisation members may not buy other properties of that category but can buy Residence or Shops as long as no other organisation member currently owns them.
Why should this be added? (pros): Less annoyances due to some rich kid buying everything out, leaving you with no place to actually base or sell your stuff.
What negatives could this have? (cons): The limit actually not being a great alternative to this problem.

Instead of making a new rule and enforcing this, I'd propose a function instead to limit people from buying out all the properties in order to run a "Real Estate RP" scheme or just for the fun of it and being an annoyance to other players, impacting their experience (2.5). I'd also rather have this implemented and not a function where a property gets sold automatically if you do not use it for a prolonged amount of time.
This would possibly also restrict organisations, but the hard limit would be 2 per category if you're in a organisation, you could possibly unlock more by levelling your organisation. E.g. if a player already has 2 properties of the Business category while he's in an organisation, other organisation members may not buy other properties of that category but can buy Residence or Shops as long as no other organisation member currently owns them.
Why should this be added? (pros): Less annoyances due to some rich kid buying everything out, leaving you with no place to actually base or sell your stuff.
What negatives could this have? (cons): The limit actually not being a great alternative to this problem.
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