Longer prison sentences?

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
I was thinking about this the other day. Its no surprise to everyone that the crime rate is extremely high in paralake, un-realistically high sometimes. One way i believe we could lower this is make prison sentences longer. Then people have an actual fear of getting arrested. This would help because there wouldnt be as many shots, more people would be RPing instead of raiding, and overall i think it would help. What are your opinions?
We've previously discussed this topic. I agree that prison sentences in PH are too low but others have suggested that prison simply becomes an AFK-zone for people who simply fill up the server.
Im okay with a 15 minute max sentence, but only in extreme cases like killing several people.

I feel that raising the ticket maximum would halt alot of criminal RP, which is what this server and gamemode is based apon. Which will just mean more powergrowing and less to do for jobs.
Well, I've been rping in other SAMP servers and to be honest, I really don't want a prison sentence for murder that is like 5-6 hours or even prison for a week which I had back on the SAMP RP servers, but your idea sounds good, a prison sentence for like a hour or something should do the job!
it doesn't make people fear going to jail it just makes people annoyed when they go to jail and decide to go afk even longer than when they're in for 10 years. I have a high expectation that it will not reduce crime at all
Increasing punishments gives more incentive for people to shoot up the police if I killed a couple people and I would get ticketed 30k I'd make sure they don't get a warrant on me.
Prison sentence times are fine imo but tickets could be raised to try counter crime. 10k for murder is often nothing for people who commit the murder
No thanks, 10 minutes in jail is long enough of a time waste. Although raising ticket prices sounds like a good idea.
I would love to see jail times increases but there are a few problems, like number of jail cells is limited etc. The way i see it you should be able to kill anyone, anywhere if you have the right reasons no 3.4 bullshit. There should be enough IC punishments to stop people committing day time/public murders rather than just rules. A few ways i think this could be helped is by further increasing tickets to say 25-30k which is not even a lot to power growers that is about 40mins of work. Jail times should be increased alot say maybe 1 hour imo but i dont think the server is in any position to implement that. Another thing officers should crack down on the guns that criminals use, when murders get committed the officers just seem to forget you can force suspects to take out the gun they used from storage under rule 5.2 and usually just give the criminal a ticket and 10yrs.
this will just encourage people to jailbreak when they do get arrested...
I think the prison times should be 2 minutes per year, and like @Chopper and I have said numerous times; raises criminal consequence would be a good way to lower bans people receive for 3.4. If a cop were to put me in cuffs for killing someone, and I spat in his face, that sometimes would be considered 3.4 but that's RPing as muthafucka that don't care about jail. But if this were in action he would probably wipe the spit off and just give me a bigger sentence. There shouldn't be a rule that forces you to be scared of something because it's not scary enough imo.
Alright, let's begin. This is a post that has been suggested Multiple times and has not been accepted and quite frankly, I don't think it'll ever get accepted, due to the fact how annoying, boring and just stupid it would be. Santos RP was so annoying, stupid and just not fun with that prison sentencing feature because you'd be scared to do Anything and then if you were caught, you'd have to stay in jail for around 30 - 50 mins if you were caught growing drugs, maybe higher if you shot at police, it just wasn't fun and having this implemented into perp will just make it die or some may say die faster. Honestly, I see where you are coming from but I'll think that'll make perp so boring and no fun would come out of it and quite frankly would just make perpheads like Santos, die... In some circumstances, this suggestion MAY improve passive up since civilians will be scared to do anything illegal, but if you would like to buy a car, passive RP, doing jobs like Roadcrew etc isn't the way, it'll take you so long to grind and just to get that car and you'll end up losing money because of the props you'll need to buy (If you're doing something like a gambling station , well if you want it to look good and attract people) Honestly mate, I don't think this suggestion should EVER be implemented into perp...