Longer reports.

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Topic: The ability to write longer reports

Short explanation (in notes):
Have the ability to make longer reports.
Or have a new report menu, that can (Possibly) be added in the f1.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Recently I've been making some reports, where 7/10 times I run out of space where
to write. Having the ability to write longer reports, in my opinion would in some
situations avoid misunderstanding and the questioning of the /report made that was
cut off by the limit. This also potentially would increase the answering of /reports
faster, because the staff team would ask less questions of what happened because
the reports would be more specific. (Not saying that it would)

Optional additions:
Add a report tab in the f1 menu or binded to another key.
- Possibly add a minimum letters to avoid reports like "Admin to me "
- Possibly add a maximum letters to avoid reports too long. (And I mean like a book long)
You have my full support on this one, maybe not the "Report Tab" but i like the idea of increasing the limit of characters to write.

Even though i'm pretty much completely inactive, the times when i do hop onto PerpHeads and back when i was active it always bugged me when writing reports that you run out of characters mid way through explaining a situation.

I'm not sure how others report but i am quite a freak at keeping things nice and organised so i like to report in the format:
[Name] - [Rule] - [Overview of situation] and generally the name and rule take half of the "space" to write the report and then i don't feel i can explain the situation in my report as fully as i would like so i cut out words here and there and then my reports come out in "bad English".

Oops.. Long winded way of saying +Support, would be really useful.
I'll support this as you can't state what happened, because most of the "space" is filled with other stuff, not stating the incident.

I think that this would really help since staff do ask for reports to be detailed and this would make everyone's lives a lot easier.

I have this problem alot, really needs to be added.

| Report | John Doe | 1.1, 3.4, 3.6 John Doe called me a cunt in LOOC and he ran away from gunpoint when I poi......

Really annoying.

"well hello admin this guy broke 3.4 and....." So what i mean by this is that it is a really good idea. You alway get annoyed with it.

You have my support.
The problem is the chat system garrys mod uses the limit to my knowledge cannot be changed I believe that a report menu would work.

I have this issue all the time its why my reports are always short and sometimes get closed.
So as I haven't replied to this yet I've decided to do so as I got nothing else to do...

So under the last time when I've been now fully home I've looked at a lot reports and I've always been thinking about this one, what I was really thinking is; This is not needed for the moment. There's maybe one report per day thats over the limit where people have to make a second one, but to be honest there's no need to go into a detailed story where for example this report that I saw a couple of days ago
I just walked to my bazaar shop and got mugged, I then walked out of the bazaar shop and got raided, I then sold my items
(that's what I can remember) What can a report then be instead of just a story how it happend?
Just got mugged by <Name> I believe he broke 5.1 by mugging me <Area>
That makes it much easier for an administrator to deal with instead of getting a full story on how it happened. So for now I see no need for this.


Making some kind of UI so that you can make reports would be a good idea, not to mention if there was a dropdown for what kind of report it is (Rule section, 1.0, 2.0 etc.)
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