Looking for a team to help me make a video

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So, I am planning on making a.. *cough* series *cough* and I want to make a small "trailer", and obviously I cant do it alone, because I want the trailer to be cinematic , which means I'll need someone to take some camera shots instead of me.

The "trailer" which I call it, will be about SWAT , so when possible I want to record SWAT van responding and maybe if possible staff taking shots from the sky to make it more epic.

Now, I honestly feel stupid posting this thread but I really want to make just a small "trailer" or "intro" for the series I will be working on and I need help, so if you would like to help me , just type below and I will add everyone to a conversation and I will explain everything.

And I might actually pay you, because if you actually help then you deserve something, also will be in the credits. (Edit I meant, pay IG not irl obviously..)
(thx for reading this bs i feel awkward because a 12 year old making a yt series sounds cringy xdd)
I really enjoy making cinematic videos for perp but they are now mostly in single player as I do them alone but I would love to help make a cinematic video. If you want my help just add me to a conversation.

P.S this is the stuff I make
