Looking for developers to collaborate with

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United Kingdom
During my time away from perp I decided to learn coding, I've improved a lot to a decent level and I'm quite confident that I can accomplish most things. I can code in GLua, JS and PHP so if anyone wants to collaborate on a project, pm me.

I'm mostly interested in Web Based projects.
Have you got anything in mind? If you’ve just got a set of skills and nothing to do with them then I’d recommend like nutrient said, to apply for DS in the PLPD. We don’t use php afaik but everything uses js and if you come into it with a learning mindset then you’ll do just fine.

I haven’t done any of my own projects in forever but if something does come to mind then I’ll give you a shout. Have you ever used laravel?
Go for it mate. As long as you’re prepared to expand your stack, to python and such then you’ll be golden. Laravel is just a php framework and is about the only way I’m comfortable using php lmao, if I was ever to do any project with php it’d be with laravel.
would you consider yourself comfortable with web games, using tools like socket.io, node.js and similar?
I can do gLua if u have any ideas for a gmodstore addon we could make together cus money is pog.
I've always wanted to do something for gmodstore but there's already so much that it's difficult to figure out something that would be popular and unique,