looking for new signature

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hi perp community,

Today aquaa called me a mega roach and warned users ingame to spray me with roach spray to prevent me minging the guns.

From this day on i will call my self now mega roach, changed my profile picture now i just need a new signature with a roach on it
and maybe a small sentence wich goes like "The moment you look away your gun will be gone" idk be creative.

If anyone is willing to put some work into my new reputation im happy to use it as my signature lol.
no i am professioal mingegrabber. The only negative thing about this reputation is that they GP me once they see me even tho i didnt take anything.

EDIT: Ofc when mingegrabbing i watch the rules not that you think im breaking them lul.
@flugs Well i dont yoink at all shootouts only at these where my org is involved or friends of people i know getting raided. I then get myself a handgun watch the situation till all cops die or even shoot the last ones myself then i enter the building with a gun drawn and watch for the guns on the ground. Thats how i do it

i dont run unarmed into a shootout thats 3.4 even if org mates are getting raided etc. Im strapped up.

Also im not a very popular person in perpheads yoinking guns and doing casino helps me surviving around here. Back in 2017 and 2018 it was much worser for me i wasnt in any big org and i didnt know many people and with olsen banden and paralake penguinship i was getting raided back with my friend icekiller when we was new we often got raided and killed.

it was really weird olsen banden raided us and the user Dom_ was also in there. My friend icekiller KOSed for dom_ in shootouts and helped him out but then about raiding he raided us wich i never understood. Later i quit and now im back. Since im back form day one some random asked my IC name and then i was invited into perptraitors and through them i meet couple of nice people.
to your question "why i do this to myself". Well i really didnt go for that reputation just recenrtly couple of days ago when i made this post Aquaa called me ingame Mega roach and warned everyone ingame to spray me cause i will yoink guns. Also 1 day before that there was a big ass clusterfuck in bazaars where whole costra org and slaughters had a random shootout because of a misunderstanding.

I yoinked around 10 guns and then later i had to give back 5 to the costra org people but was allowed to keep slaughters guns and since that day they started to callout my whole org for minging guns even tho it was only me who did it and the whole bazaars was empty none was there for like 2-3 mins everyone ran off or died and i was able to yoink guns and even get sorle drugs.

Yea after those situations they started to pick on me for minging guns so i decided to take it into a funny way and not focus in their toxic behaivor. If i was the old me i was back in the days i would just insult back. Today i mostly try to just see the funny part and laugh about it instead to stress about it cause its not worth it. Also insults go into one ear and leave from the other one so yea i dont mind those anymore. The only thing wich pisses me off sometimes the people who see that i dont react to insults start to punch me or harm me ingame for literlly no reason. They really wanna just start a fight wich only pisses me off today.

Now also some org member scammed me and everytime i see them ingame they NLR it or start to ram my car for no reason or even pick a fight with me wich is totally not needed like bruh you scammed me ok alright go ahead and live your life. To this day they still announce it when as officer im giving him a ticket he says hes going to pay it with my money lmao. That also pisses me off cause thats hella toxic even more then olsen banden was they literlly target me out of nowhere.
@flugs nah that wont change anything they already hate me for being in perptraitors not everyone but the OG and big people do wich is already frustraiting at this point. Also i cant really do much against it cause i lag like a spastic. Once i get my new PC i will be more active in shootouts instead of being passive.
@flugs the only people who take this way to serously is speedy he literlly screams his soul at me when he sees me at a shootout. Lmfao. But yea im not really being targetted from costra or slaughter people only people who target me are david doman and bill burton. Currently the only ones who target me and thats not even for being a minge bill burton is the guy who scammed me and yea thats it since that day im being targetted by them chasing me ramming me. WHen im civ that aint a problem just playing as goverment offical is hella frustraiting as you dont have a gun. The worst once was when one of them was cop jesus that was the worst.