LordTyla and Hayden

Reaction score
Hello! I am making this post to reccomend the user "@Hayden" and the moderator "@LordTyla".

The reason I am making this reccomendation is becuase I was involved with a hostage situation and we where negotiating with the Police Force, unfortunatley it failed and I was arrested. The actual arrest procedure is why I am making this reccomendation. Both users (and other cops) setup the best arrest procedure I have ever seen. It involved IC Codes (Ethnicity Codes) and several other procedures. I was very impressed by the roleplay here and found it rather fun. Anyway, thanks I guess for arresting me? The arrest was worth that experience.
Cheers for the recommendation, yeah was using these things if you're bothered:

(IC codes were a separate thing)
Tyla and Hayden are two fantastic Police officers they always get things done and roleplay in a realistic manner making the roleplay nicer for other officers.

I patrol alot with Hayden and Tyla they are my closest friends and helped me alot when i was just a newbie.

Keep up the good work Hayden and Tyla