Luca Falcone AR

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Eyecon/Joshua Bishop
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Luca Falcone
His/Her SteamID: ?
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, obviously had a gun pointed at him and he pulled a machete. (nice 1tap with a machete though) This guy was running around with a toxic attitude, kindof reminds me of a younger me with how I used to act. Everytime anyone looked at him he'd go "whatre you looking at",and previously he had punched me so I ran back and got a gun incase he did it again. He did, I pulled it on him and just asked that he step away. I would like to add that I was very intimidated by his tough guy behavior, and I am forever spooked.
Evidence (Demo Required):
You didn't ask me to do anything when the gun came out so I felt I was in the position to take out a machete, plus you pulled a gun with no clip.

go ahead and add this as well, heres some obvious footage of him trying to mug someone by the drug dealer NPC and then killing the guy.
My friend @Chopper was also behind you with a gun, as soon as you pulled it out he pulled out his, I tried to get around you before you could shoot, but accidentally pulled out my phys gun. I knew I was in the clear to try and save my life/
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