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- Very active on the server.
- Allways carry weapon on you.
- If the organization needs help respond in shitty volvo 242.
- Never backstab the organization or our allies, like we have any.
- Never try to steal from the organization such as totally legal things that you sniff/breath into your lungs
If we find out that someone in the organization has been stealing/snitching on us.He will receive a very awful punishment and get kicked from the organization.We don't give someone a second chance!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks @Garo.k for your shitty org rules xd
Runs the family and declares wars
Bum licks the don and bullies him into making decisions
Was born into all the illegal business and typically wants to overtake the don when he kicks the bucket
Babysits the soldier lads and runs product through the town
Foot patrol lads who lay down the law in the neighbourhood
Isn't really a member of the baddest org in Paralake, just is there because is a friend, friends are good yes.
Tommy's Crew
Some rambler lads
Trapani Pasta
We usually base in Parker yes yes, and the business area is our territory, so don't bring your naughty bum near it.
We do like the barret, so if you mess with us,you will get a bullet in the head you will get put on the naughty stool.

We do like the barret, so if you mess with us,
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