Mafia Online Family Crew

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Sheffield, United Kingdom

[this is wikiped page, you cant censor]
mafia family crime was originated in Bradford by Xavier Harpers and we got attacked by the Sas so we had to move to paralake in 1992, then we had to grow drugs to make money and prove ourseleves to be good and we recruited new people to be good

"i bilt my organizattion on feer"-al caphone


  • Very active on the server.
  • Allways carry weapon on you.
  • If the organization needs help respond in shitty volvo 242.
  • Never backstab the organization or our allies, like we have any.
  • Never try to steal from the organization such as totally legal things that you sniff/breath into your lungs

If we find out that someone in the organization has been stealing/snitching on us.He will receive a very awful punishment and get kicked from the organization.We don't give someone a second chance!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks @Garo.k for your shitty org rules xd

Runs the family and declares wars

Bum licks the don and bullies him into making decisions

Was born into all the illegal business and typically wants to overtake the don when he kicks the bucket

Babysits the soldier lads and runs product through the town

Foot patrol lads who lay down the law in the neighbourhood

Isn't really a member of the baddest org in Paralake, just is there because is a friend, friends are good yes.


Herpes defeated xddddddd
the paralake apron strings (kingz)
Made Peace
sopranousss ez win didn't even fight


Tommy's Crew

Some rambler lads
Trapani Pasta

We usually base in Parker yes yes, and the business area is our territory, so don't bring your naughty bum near it.

We do like the barret, so if you mess with us, you will get a bullet in the head you will get put on the naughty stool.
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You forgot the picture of your only Barret M82, and to tell us how nice it is living in Glass Co and Parker.
I mean where are the applications I want to apply. Such a nice org, good job.
I would love to join this org Contact me ingame Jake Wood/499-8837 (my phone number ig)
"i bilt my organizattion on feer"-al caphone
observe above the current lads of the mafia family crime, chilling in their crib along with the holy baseball bat, featuring a special guest: an m4a1 repossessed from harper hands, tragic (seen in the middle)


From left to right: @Speedy @Calle @[GKBS] Avo @Hazza56 @Eviction Notice
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Ey yo this is Allen Kennedy of the Paralake Kings, we do not wish to be your enemies, however respectfully ask for a truce when it comes to sharing your area, as our Kings Lounge is often situated at a business shop.
To reiterate, don't fuck with us, we won't fuck with you.

-Allen Kennedy, Paralake Kings, White Boy
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Today we provided the city with hope, as one of the biggest cancers of Paralake was cleansed slightly this afternoon. Mafia Family Crime stormed the defences of the dreaded herpes with a very aggresive mix of chemicals and alot of shots through walls and floors. One man even got haybanged (shot through a haybale). Today we have shown even the strongest of foes can be ridden from this earth with the right people and firearms, and we can all rest easy tonight knowing that there are many salty people now in the afterlife.

This purely fictional story (totally) was brought to you from Mafia Family Crime, sweet dreams.​

I am Figner-Toesun brother 1 and I'm here to greet you today. So hi.

Us at 'Your Alive Nan's Toenail Memorial Group' would be interested in allying with your sh-amazing minecraft faction and we would like to not be nice to the Herpes Family.

Would you like to be our faithful ally, cun-sidering the fact that we're really nice people.
I promise you we don't smuggle little Chinese children across borders and we're certainly not part of a drug ring. I haven't killed approximately 46 people! I also haven't been diagnosed with Kuru for eating around 6 people - all of them being wheel-char bound orphans. Ahem.

Would you like to join our minecraft server? I mean be our ally?

[this is totally a PLN article so you can't do shit heheheheh)

mafia family crime have been reported to have turned to pepsism, and are now branding themselves as PEPSIS. this line of extremism involves beheading unsuspecting civilians who are on their way to their local vending machine to purchase the beverage known as "Coca Cola" and praising the lord Pepsiman five times a day. this new string of extremism seems to center from mafia family crime and it's partner organisations, and they have even gone as far as to declare all out war on ISIS, saying, quote, "You are a bunch of pig fuckers who are blind to the one true god of this earth, and we shall smite thee with holy baseball bat exactly five times a day as a thank you to our lord!"


Credit to @Hazza56 for image
since a certain hazza decided to disband the org to go and join tommy's bum lickers, i'm gonna have to waste 10K and re-buy it. comment down here or whatever if you want to be back in cause I cant remember you all. #2manysweaters

Nevermind close it I'm bored af​
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