Mage's Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Super_ @Fredy
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Mage
Your In-game Name: Some chinese thing I genuinely don't remember
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37831563
Why were you banned/blacklisted: Metagaming (Extended to CWB by Fredy)
Why should this appeal be considered:
It's been 6 months since I got banned, I did some stupid immature shit by posting inappropriate pictures in the shoutbox, which ended up spiraling out of control with many people getting involved and a lot of bans being handed out. I'd like to apologize if anyone deemed this as toxic and/or offensive in any way, as that was not the intention at the time, though as time passed I could see how someone could see it in that way. I think at the time many of us were upset about getting banned for meta-gaming which led to some situations where we were trolling/being toxic on the forums which is obviously stupid of us to do, and eventually we all got the punishment we deserved. This could've all been avoided if we were more mature about it at the time and just moved on until our original bans expired, but here we are. I'm sorry to any staff who had to get involved for wasting their time and once again to anyone who felt offended by my own or my organization's actions at the time back in June on the forums. I always loved helping out within the community, and the server still seems to be going in a good direction with it's recent changes, so it would be great to be a part of that once again. There's still no real excuse for doing what I did, but I would at least like to apologize for doing it and hopefully convince you that it won't happen again in any form.

Additional Comment(s):
If there is still a concern about me being toxic, I'm aware that now there is a "Communication Ban", which I honestly don't mind having if necessary.
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