PLPD Online Suggestion Make it so you can apply directly to become a dispatcher

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Suggestion Title: Make it so you can apply directly to become a dispatcher
Suggestion Description: A simple suggestion to allow any civilian to directly apply to become a Dispatcher.

Why should this be added?:
I'm kinda throwing this suggestion out there, I dunno how popular it'll be or not, but for someone like me, who personally enjoys support (Medic, Fire, and so on...) roles rather then main police roles; I don't particularly see a need to be a Police Officer first and a Police Dispatcher second when I plan, to personally, main as a dispatcher, this is mainly also cause I have a personal interest in dispatching systems given that I develop dispatching systems IRL as a developer.

Also, if the concern is that people might not know certain things, I suggest expanding the questionaire and test for dispatchers to be a bit more difficult.

What negatives could this have?:
I'm a bit new, forgive me if I sound foreign with this suggestion, the only negative I can personally see is the same flaws that show for probationary officers would show for probationary dispatchers, be it people that are new, don't understand stuff, or might have a lack of knowledge in SOP.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: This would kind-of also add an additional layer of activity for dispatchers, I can't obviously predict a lot but I can see it happening.
You can already just apply to get the ability to play as dispatch. Probationary dispatcher gives you all the permissions of a normal dispatcher.
This would kind-of also add an additional layer of activity for dispatchers, I can't obviously predict a lot but I can see it happening.
This didn't work last time. I don't see it working again.
Bnjemann I think he means no PD req, EG. the requirement to be a police officer before becoming a dispatcher.
You can already just apply to get the ability to play as dispatch. Probationary dispatcher gives you all the permissions of a normal dispatcher.

This didn't work last time. I don't see it working again.
Sorry, yeah, Juan's right, maybe I didn't word it right.

Basically for example: I'm not as interested in being a police officer but I'm super interested in becoming a dispatcher.
As a senior dispatcher we are working on something and possibly getting rid of probation dispatch updates will be announced soon as we have worked and figured things out a new dispatch application is in the process as well but more updates about dispatch are to come
Sorry, yeah, Juan's right, maybe I didn't word it right.

Basically for example: I'm not as interested in being a police officer but I'm super interested in becoming a dispatcher.
there’s no reason not to make a PLPD account though, you won’t be punished for not playing Officer as about 80% of the registered users there also don’t play Officer.
there’s no reason not to make a PLPD account though, you won’t be punished for not playing Officer as about 80% of the registered users there also don’t play Officer.

He's not talking about PLPD account though... he's just not wanting to apply for officer just so he can apply for dispatcher, just like before you could apply without having to be an officer first.

Individual applications are made by command through a system with no developer input, please make a ticket to dispatch command here

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