Suggestion Title: Reduce / Remove XP gain from Car Thefts
Suggestion Description: Car thefts are far too easy, and are way too beneficial when it comes to Leaderboard XP. I believe it should be greatly lowered / removed altogether.
Why should this be added?:
- QoL
- More realistic as who really gains a large amount of reputation from stealing a mini cooper
- Will cause less people to run around stealing multiple cars in a 10 minute period
- Less bother to the PD about 10 cars being stolen at once
What negatives could this have?:
- People could complain about having to get into shootouts or dangerous situations to get an XP gain
- Could cause a decrease in the amount of car thefts
Suggestion Description: Car thefts are far too easy, and are way too beneficial when it comes to Leaderboard XP. I believe it should be greatly lowered / removed altogether.
Why should this be added?:
- QoL
- More realistic as who really gains a large amount of reputation from stealing a mini cooper
- Will cause less people to run around stealing multiple cars in a 10 minute period
- Less bother to the PD about 10 cars being stolen at once
What negatives could this have?:
- People could complain about having to get into shootouts or dangerous situations to get an XP gain
- Could cause a decrease in the amount of car thefts