Make /LOOC usable while dead - Suggestion thread

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Discussion Post:

Main Idea: Make /LOOC usable while you're dead

Full description of the idea: Enable the /LOOC function while you're dead instead of restricting your chat messages to /OOC only.

Why should it be added?: OOC chat always gets filled up with messages after raids or rule breaks which is just annoying to look at as even uninvolved parties like to take part in it but it's just adding fuel to the fire. I'm suggesting to revert the update that disabled the use of /LOOC while dead back when it was introduced since July 25th 2015

It's true that LOOC chat also filled up back then after raids when you could still do it but it's a lot better than letting the whole server know about your beef.

I realize that this has been put into place to prevent metagaming but to be honest, Steam chat or any other decent third party software already fixes this issue. This was also mostly because people told their mates to pick up their guns but if anything people can still report them for breaking 3.24, punishments should not be taken too lightly as metagaming can impact a situation by quite a bit which should also discourage this type of behaviour.

As for the people that said that this is a good thing as staff know about the story as soon as they're handling their report, it's really not. They shouldn't even take that information before they're even in the actual admin situation as anything you write could be written without thinking as you're possibly still mad about it. You're just making a mess and it would be even more annoying for the staff just to look trough your messages which is why you shouldn't write or say anything until you're at the actual report.

Pros: Less shitshows in the global OOC chat instead of limiting it to the local OOC chat.
People don't waste their OOC messages.

Cons: Potential metagaming if people resort to use /LOOC while dead.

Other additions: Completely remove the ability to write in /OOC while dead though this would be even more dreadful than do any good against a problem like this.


I mean even if they are salty looc people will know that they are dead in the area and it would be metagaming but everything else I can agree with.
I mean even if they are salty looc people will know that they are dead in the area and it would be metagaming but everything else I can agree with.
punishments should not be taken too lightly as metagaming can impact a situation by quite a bit which should also discourage this type of behaviour.
Tbh since staff tend to sit on shootouts from time to time anyway, I don't think this would exactly be riddled with abuse. I mean, let's say someone was sitting on it and someone loocs "THEY'RE INSIDE". Staff grabs their body and drags it away for a sit, meanwhile the dead dude can sit there on a reds creen, and keep trying to metagame a safe distance away from the crime scene so the staff gets extra evidence,
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