Server Suggestion Make Planters flip the right way up easier

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Suggestion Title: Make Planters flip the right way up easier
Suggestion Description: Make planters rotate up the correct way around when pressing R on them with fists out like the old gardening pots used to.

Why should this be added?:
- Makes it easier when dealing with planters, especially someone else's you've taken or your friend's when you can't physgun them.
- Now that planters dont grow properly when not facing the right way this would be useful.

What negatives could this have?:
- Could be a bit buggy and fling props sometimes but I'm sure our great dev's can find a solution for that!

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Basic planters being annoying to flip around when you don't have physgun access.
I'd like to second this, and suggest several other props that could also use the same behaviour.

Small props like plants, radios, and perhaps items such as ammo boxes would be ideal for this I reckon.
I'd like to second this, and suggest several other props that could also use the same behaviour.

Small props like plants, radios, and perhaps items such as ammo boxes would be ideal for this I reckon.

I like this, would be helpful for creating shop displays etc. Would just need to make sure that it doesn't work for frozen props.

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