Man Breaks 3.4

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: GamingPeach / David Peach
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sativa / Dimitry Sleskov
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:25326536
Why Should This Player Be Punished: this player simple broke 3.4 he started punching me so I pulled my gun and aimed it at the man he then punched me 3 times again. the player ran from a ticket for an unknown reason. that in its self is 3.4. I believe this player should be warned for 3.4 or even banned depending on his history.
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This guy has clearly broken "3.4" by running away from a ticket and punching while under gunpoint. Joshua on the other hand cuffed him while they were swimming which is unrealistic "2.1" 1st of all you can't cuff a man while swimming in real life 2nd how will he be able to swim? Same thing goes to you Peach. Never the less he did break 3.4 and should be punished for it. Joshua and David next time think before you do.
There is literally no reason why they would decide to go on a triathlon over a ticket and then ignore gunpoint.

I've played with this player multiple times, and for a sweatervest he is a very good roleplayer, I think we need an explanation from his side.

If anyone has any OOC contact, please do get him to make a forum account.

The user will be banned due to receiving 7 bans in 2 months and a total of 7 warning in a short period of time. Plus the fact he was unbanned 4 days ago.
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